Sarms experience anyone?

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10 4 I’m with you there almost exact stats. What do you mean by designer steroids I dont understand
More or less a joke.
They are no where near as affective as legitimate gear. Not a whole lot of research as of yet, because they are fairly “new” to the scene.
Anything without research data on humans for a long period of time or even just something new is always a risk… in that sense anabolic are “safer” because the side effects are known and fairly easy to mitigate with other things such as AI and SERMS.
I notice a fairly big difference in energy when I’m running things and not, as in even if I’m running tren and sleep like garbage, I have more then enough pep in my step during the day,only thing that weighs me down a bit is if I try to run superD more then a month.
I didn’t get the side of effect of horrible sleep last time I ran tren… but I also take ambien and CBD sleep every night… I sleep pretty good most nights.
Well that must be nice,Sleeping good…I feel like I haven’t slept normal since 2004,coincidentally, that was when I joined the military.
I suffered many years with insomnia, I was an IT consultant that demanded a lot from me.
started ambien about 8 years ago… Took a long time to find the right cocktail, but once I did it works really good…
VA prescribed my that briefly but I would sleep walk like it was my job
at what dosage??
I started with 10mg has me doing some weird shit, like waking up on the couch? or having weird ass dreams that startled the shit out of me…
I’m on 5mg now, amitriptyline (10mg for IBS)and take the CBDSleep mix and for the last year I feel refreshed every morning… all of which help sleep…
I started and ended at 10 mg, now that I have enough smarts to do research, I believe they should have started at 5mg, they never lowered it, just took me off it
Bro, I got up and rode my dirt bike one night, FUCKED up my front yard, I got up the next day and just smiled when I went out front door, I must have had a great time.
haha! those nights are the best… Unless you get caught… Then it might suck.
I’ve taken ambien after a night of drinking, had sex with the gf for an hour doing all sorts of wild shit and not remembering a damn thing… She loves it… haha…
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