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Sciatic nerve therapy

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So as some of you know I have been having issues with my sciatic nerves and left leg. Tried multiple things. Finally went into chiro again. Been to both doc and chiro several times. Asked chiro to take X-ray. My left hip is lower then my right hip considerably. He has me in This traction machine right now with these belts around me pulling at 70 pounds on and off. Then he has a shoe insert for my left shoe to slowly raise my hip. It will be several steps to get a larger and larger insert. Hope this works.
That’s reassuring. I have an inversion table but I let my friend borrow it and he lost the damn threaded pin that sets the angles so I tipp all the way which is way too much.
I got my lower three discs gone bone on bone. Then a bulging one above it. Legs are numb toes are curling up throbbing pain down leg. Pressure in groin all time got a pimp limp some days hurts so bad I can’t move hardly. But I do everyday. No meds. Just chiro chiro chiro. We getting old boss, you ain’t t no spring chicken. But I been down that road and maybe they can fix it but if you plan on doing the same stuff after surgery it won’t last neither will the shots or cauterized nerves none of it. And you will spend $$$$. Chasing that dragon.
That sucks man hope you find a solution. Never had sciatic pain but I have some upper back and neck issues. I can tell you i went through at least 6 chiropractors that weren’t able to help much. Happened to land on a guy from a referral and it was fuckin night and day he’s so good. Going to see him Friday morning actually can’t wait. But my point is if you’re not seeing relief with current doc or Chiro try someone new
That sucks big time. My doc said gotta be careful in weight room with rotational stuff around hip area. Also he said no more bending over and picking stuff up from that position. So I gues fucking dead’s are out for the rest of my life. Sucks cause I liked the gains I was making with them previously to all these last two injuries. They are in same spot also. Oh well have the belt squat coming looking forward to that.
Dead lifts. Good mornings bent over rows very very light or not at all unless supported By machine or bench if you hurt it you won’t have any gains anywhere. Just got to be smart. If you haven’t had any injections maybe 1 or 2 that’s it if it don’t work then it won’t trust me I have had so Many I can’t remember. But even then it’s temporary. Do you have any weakness in legs
Ya my left leg is always tight and getting smaller by the week. Gonna have to do a lot of isolation to get it back to normal
Wait till your toes curl. And I mean from nerve damage not blow jobs either

had to have tendon cut on one already to pull her back now I can shoot a bird with my foot cause it don’t move
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Hahaha. That’s a good blow job.

Man I hope that never happens. I’m just gonna let the whole deadlifts thing go. No more Romainian or straight leg non of it. GMs would probably be fine cause it’s a different motion. But will ask my chiro about it before I try. There are many different ways to work those muscles I don’t have to do the traditional stuff. Is rather just put those types of lifts to bed permanently then end up where you are at. That sounds aweful. I’m not competing so what’s the point right. Thanks for sharing all that cause it opens my eyes a bit more concerning the next twenty years.
Something that really helps is to work on your stabilizer muscles our larger muscle group gets so big it overpowers them. When I was in PT. Guys was like you look strong he put me on lay machine and I could do stack for reps. It wasn’t a big stack 🙂 He said just what I thought and made me lie one a bouncey ball with my legs at 90 degree and hold one leg up just a little. I couldn’t do it and or stay still but I could when I left.
I remember when I herniated my disk it was doing straight leg dead’s. It felt like I squished a grape in between my fingers but inside my back. I can’t do decline sit ups flat I can but decline makes my spine feel like a come can when you cut it and rip it in half
Gm are same motion just changes wear the load is inwould scrap that just do leg curls to build hammies. They are better for size
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That hurts just hearing about it. I don’t do any sit-ups really. I have this routine I follow on YouTube. Some little Asian lady doing 21 30 second ab exercises and it hits your whole core. I cannot keep up with her but I do my best.

Ya. I like how they work my core though. Definitely don’t want to repeat this for a third time if I get over it.
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