Second cycle advice on what to take on a 12 week cycle

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New member
Hi all,

I am looking at doing a cycle to build lean muscle. But I am not sure what to take together to get the best results. I have done one course before on test E for 12 weeks a saw great results, although lost a lot of them Post cycle even though taking HCG with chlomid and nov.

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This is also your introduction now welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around but please read around before you ask questions like you did above. Read around the site before you just break the community rules.

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Thank you!

I guess I should introduce myself to the group.

I’m a 28 year old male
6ft 2
86kgs currently.

I have taken my eye off of the ball recently and thought I’d come here to seek advice and views others progression for tips.

I’m very new to this, and very eager to learn. I am also sorry for breaking the rules.

Looking for advice on a new cycle to gain lean muscle. I have had experience with Test E before but now looking for something a bit more advanced and maybe trying a stack this time around.

Hope everyone is well!
Welcome aboard, you should post some stats, age/weight/bf%, it’s hard to give advice not knowing these things. Your in the right place, hang out a bit and do some reading, there’s s ton of great info here.
You wanted to talk about a second cycle I just have a couple of questions

Did you run bloodwork?
Are you looking to add an oral or an inj?
I haven’t run my bloods yet, I will for sure get that booked in though. I’m not too sure on oral or injec, what are the pros and cons on both?
The list is long on both inj or oral.
Do you have anything that you have done any research on or anything that you are interested in?

Like I said no one is going to lead the way for you
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I was looking into Test E as a base adding in deca and oral dbol at the start of the cycle. Would anyone recommend this as a good mix?
A lot of what your seeking advice about are things that you would prefer taking risks on where others wouldn’t, and vice versa. Hit that google a lil bit. Not to be a smart ass, just see side effects etc. Bc these folks may think you are up on these things
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I would recommend npp before decca its more pinning but a much faster ester that is great for bulking and cutting.
I wouldn’t use decca and dbol together unless you are very familiar with running an AI to control your estrogen and you would definitely need to be getting bloodwork done if you’re using multiple compounds.

Check out proviron, tbol, masteron or Drostanolone propionate, anavar,eq, primo if you want a leaner build.

Go with compounds that aromatase if you want to bulk up and put on weight. That would be the dbol and decca that you originally thought about with these compounds you have nandrolone which is excellent but first inj shuts down your natural system for a long time. Its hard to recover from, like you were saying about your original cycle you lost alot of gains.
With the non aromatase compounds they build mass slower but you keep more of your gains especially with compounds like tbol var and primo.
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