Hi all,
I am looking at doing a cycle to build lean muscle. But I am not sure what to take together to get the best results. I have done one course before on test E for 12 weeks a saw great results, although lost a lot of them Post cycle even though taking HCG with chlomid and nov.
EDIT we will not help you find anything legal or illegal
This is also your introduction now welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around but please read around before you ask questions like you did above. Read around the site before you just break the community rules.
I am looking at doing a cycle to build lean muscle. But I am not sure what to take together to get the best results. I have done one course before on test E for 12 weeks a saw great results, although lost a lot of them Post cycle even though taking HCG with chlomid and nov.
EDIT we will not help you find anything legal or illegal
This is also your introduction now welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around but please read around before you ask questions like you did above. Read around the site before you just break the community rules.
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