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Do they have insurance? Cause there are some fancy rehabs around the country now and insurance pays all alot of the time. 12 yrs straight for me. I prayed and met with a counselor. Went cold Turkey
I am going to take a different approach with this. I have a good friend who run sober livIng facilities in jersey and Philly. 95% are on heroin or opioids. He preaches 30 days detox… 6 month sober assisted living with intense cognitive therapy. No transitional meds. Claim a 50% non 1 year relapse
I think the approach to recovery is very specific to the individual. It took me several failed attempts at inpatient/outpatient rehab before choosing methadone. It worked for me, and medical assisted treatments such as methadone/suboxone/vivitrol have the highest success rates currently available for opioid treatment. Opioid dependence medications are only part of a complete treatment program that should include counseling/therapy, addiction education and the implementation of a structured support system. Unfortunately there are people who see treatment as simply going the pharmacy and filling their script for suboxone, which is only helping them to prevent withdrawal or even worse enabling them to continue a pattern of abuse with their prescription. if you have a friend who is struggling with opioid addiction getting them into a long term assisted treatment program such as a suboxone or methadone clinic that has a proper treatment/support/education program is currently the most effective course of treatment available for addiction recovery.
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methadone or suboxone, as a heroine addict if you dont get these subscribed they could be in serious danger. do not let him use benzodiazapenes to help alleviate the anxiety and emotional issues. benzos are even more dangerous than opiods. my best wishes are with your buddy to a speedy recovery
Hey guys yes very hard to get someone off opiods i can tell you some stories that will blow your mind on my girl
I fought for over almost 2 years between her addiction between opioid pill addiction then suboxone including selling like someone mentioned including getting high off of there’s street value to them and trading them for other benzodiazepine and alcohol addiction, then back to opioid pills stealing and writing checks from my payroll account signing my name to them almost 3000 in one week in pills and taking her to 3 different rehabs so unless there there under court orders they can check in and check out at rehabs and they will always say they want help because they know its not good. So sometimes hard love works and thats.hard too because of guilt on you. Ive had her picked up on check fraud charges but i later dropped the charges before they came and picked her up. I didn’t know what to do so i left her got with an ex that was a millionaire while in the meantime i was still talking to my ex gf and giving her 300.00 a day for dam near 2 months i was just inabling her . In my mind i still wanted to be with her because i was in love with her and i thought she would start sleeping around for pills and i didn’t want that . But she got caught with them in her possession then got put on probation and she and she fucked up went to jail for 8 months and when she got out she stayed clean and its been 5 years now and were together. But its sometimes being put away for awhile will help. Yes methadone and suboxone will work for some but not for everyone. So now we stay clear of anyone who’s has an addiction to such i dont let it around me or my girl.
Help them call places most are usually full and just be there to help however without getting taking advantage of if they aren’t putting the effort back, when I went to rehab for heroin it took me a month to find a spot and everyone tried to help me and I fought all of it until I was ready myself and it took a while If they are truly ready it won’t be easy but it will be easier to help them get into a program
I used methadone treatment as well and it definitely saved my life but that’s an addiction in it self and when I tapered off the withdrawals were pretty severe
Bottom line is they have to be in a place where they are willing to get clean. I think suboxone is a good place to start and a must for successful recovery. I have 3 cousins I’m trying to get in a program now. I got them on suboxone but they need to make the decision to call the number and show up. I made all arrangements for them but that’s all I can do.
Wow, that’s crazy, I knew other countries were using morphine, but didnt know they were using heroin, that interesting.
Switzerland started the program maybe 10yrs ago and its just like a methadone clinic except they give you pure reconstituted dope.
The people go there 3x a day and they are basically just functioning addicts that will never get clean. I don’t agree with it unless it is a way to bring them in and get them to start participating in programs and get them to taper off which there’s no tapering off heroin.
Honestly look your friend straight in the eye and tell them if they continue they will be dead and more than likely it’s not going to be pretty. 99% of curing your addiction is a real desire to stop and a 100% commitment to quit. Unless they have reached that place all the rehabs in the world aren’t going to help. Look at the folks who have been to 10-15 rehabs in their life.
Once they make that decision, a drug assisted detox will help them off. After that it’s up to them. Do they need to go to a sober living house, many times yes. Do they need to go to NA/AA? Absolutely ! The old 90/90 formula seems to work and keep you out of trouble. Early in your recovery you need to be around people who have been through what you are experiencing. Funny thing is it’s as good for all the folks at the meetings as it is for your friend. Good luck to your friend. Prayer and asking your Higher Power for help is always a great resource is that’s acceptable to them as well.
I got clean from H a few years back. Rehab may be a good place to be for support and care. But the trouble is to find the right one, there are many rehab philosophies and treatments plans. I can’t say which is the right or correct one, but some of them I have my doubts as someone who got clean and stayed clean.

Rehab is costly so there is that. Mine was 40k a month. Most of them can be 10-25k a month easily. But the benefit is that they will be cared for 24/7 in a safe place with people who understand. Going through withdrawal under medical treatment is a real plus. A luxury most addicts never get. I know the chances of rehab working isn’t high, but IME out patient treatment is even lower.

I don’t agree with suboxone or Methadone, but I respect others who want to go that route. I just don’t personally feel it’s “clean” but it’s still better than rolling the dice shooting dope.

I did AA/NA and they are somewhat helpful in terms of having a social circle of people who understands what you’re going through and can support you. But I no longer go myself. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, and it helped me. I just don’t want to keep going and wasn’t getting anything more out of it after a certain point.

The first step is wanting help. It’s the hardest step and you can’t help someone who don’t want to be helped. But saying you want to get better at your low point isn’t much, it’s doing the work after it.
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Had a couple of serious morphine addictions over the years (5+ years each).

Cold turkey will kill you man, don’t even go there.
I’ve quit twice (that last time for 8 years now).

My way is slow titration, just wean yourself down, a little less each day.
Try replacing the H with poppy tea.
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