I got clean from H a few years back. Rehab may be a good place to be for support and care. But the trouble is to find the right one, there are many rehab philosophies and treatments plans. I can’t say which is the right or correct one, but some of them I have my doubts as someone who got clean and stayed clean.
Rehab is costly so there is that. Mine was 40k a month. Most of them can be 10-25k a month easily. But the benefit is that they will be cared for 24/7 in a safe place with people who understand. Going through withdrawal under medical treatment is a real plus. A luxury most addicts never get. I know the chances of rehab working isn’t high, but IME out patient treatment is even lower.
I don’t agree with suboxone or Methadone, but I respect others who want to go that route. I just don’t personally feel it’s “clean” but it’s still better than rolling the dice shooting dope.
I did AA/NA and they are somewhat helpful in terms of having a social circle of people who understands what you’re going through and can support you. But I no longer go myself. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, and it helped me. I just don’t want to keep going and wasn’t getting anything more out of it after a certain point.
The first step is wanting help. It’s the hardest step and you can’t help someone who don’t want to be helped. But saying you want to get better at your low point isn’t much, it’s doing the work after it.