Sign of the times....act of war?

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Anyone heard about the Chinese consulate in Houston that was raided in recently?
When the feds got there they were burning all there documents inside the compound.
Makes me really wonder what’s really going on between the US and China and if COVID-19 was an act of war to debilitate our people and economy.
Ya I hear they are also allowing a biologist from San Fransisco stay there, apparently they are suspected of giving the Chinese vaccine info or something along those lines.

Chinese government are some shady mofo, well all governments are some shady mofos.
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Ive believed from the beginning this was a bio weapon that escaped.
The virus works like a good weapon from my point of view it kills the old and sickened or killed many fighting age people but hasn’t had an effect on children.
If it mutates were all fucked because from what ive been told it will mutate into an hiv like virus and a vaccine will not be coming soon.
It will be forced on all of us, probably have miniature gps microchips in it.

I’ve already heard talk airlines may not let you fly if you don’t have the vaccine when available.
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Lol it’ll cause autism! I like to get my medical advice from Jenny McCarthy. She maybe hot af, but man is she dumb af.
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I’m DEF not an anti vaxxer hahah but I don’t see a need for this one particularly. And I agree with you. Miraculously November will heal the Rona.
When you sit back and think about everything, this all seems like we are at some tipping point, I don’t see it ending well no matter who gets elected in November. I think this is something bigger than just the U.S. as a whole…
I’ve looked into a lot of “autism” issues. Couple things I’ve noticed. Woman with careers deciding to have kids in their 40s is bad. There’s a reason it called child bearing years (19-30). People blame shots on the fact their old ass eggs will develop a higher case for downs and autism. Plus, some of this Autism is just not autism. It’s just kids lacking discipline. When I was raising my kids, at school functions there were kids that needs some direct parental guidance. “ oh he/she has autism” No your kid is a brat and needs discipline… Now. This is my personal opinion after doing a little research. I mean autism Is real. I get it. But it just seems a label for anything now…
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