Sign of the times....act of war?

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I agree, they have put that spectrum to encompass a lot of behavior issues that decent parenting could correct.

I’m not sure what it is, but it seems like a lot of parents try to be their kids friends rather than parent.
Women with their daughters are the worst… I told my kids once they were old enough to understand “I am not your best friend I am not going to hang out and be the “cool” dad. I am your father. I am here to help you, Support you, discipline you and teach you things in life I did that were wrong so you don’t make the same mistakes. I might seem hard on you at times, but when you grow up you’ll understand why” my kids range from 35 to 22. They all come to me for guidance and personal advice. My ex says I raised them as children, you raised them as adults. Shit. My ex still tells them “ask your dad” 😂. As adults we are now friends. They give me advice as well now. My two boys that have children of their own are great dads. My grand babies are being raised the same way as them and you can tell. They all are great human beings and love their families and each other. As brothers and sister (I have four young sons and one beautiful daughter) they still talk. Even with 2 in the Corps. My one son is on deployment right now in the South China Sea… I pray for him every day. Anyways parenting is becoming a lost art. This is not the time to be your buddy to your kids… My opinion
cool thing is now your kids are at the age, that because you raised them right, you can be best friends, I have that with my parents, was pretty weird the first time me and dad went out drinking and he was all sprung over the town hottie lol but now it is all cool. I still hit my parents up for advice almost weekly
I couldn’t agree more about mis diagnosis I couldn’t tell you how many doctors have told me that im lunny tunes and need to be on the most powerful antipsychotics. I don’t need that shit and I’m so against them giving amphetamines to kids. Over medicated and mis diagnosis is how the pharma companies make money and the doctors plus hospitals.
I think in the U.S. medical has become too much a business instead of caring for people, it’s get as many people in and out as fast as possible, and they are just treating symptoms, instead of the underlying problem.
My kids are all teenagers now, one in college, my 17 yr old boy lifts with me now, he does construction in the summer and helps out at a dog day care in the early morning for more cash. My 14 year old has a job, they save and have bought their own 4-wheelers/dirt bikes/vehicles.

Couldn’t be prouder of them, they save better than their old man lol.
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I think some of it has to do with how a lot of kids are raised by the Internet now as well. Case in point, my two older daughters (25, 21) are normal, they didn’t have phones when they were in middle school, they didn’t lock themselves in their rooms and watch weird shit on YouTube. Our youngest (13) is coddled by mom for being the baby and does all that weird shit, and she’s socially awkward, spoiled by mom, still throws weird tantrums like a toddler. No sports, we’ve tried, no interest in them, so no teamwork skills either. Just a bi polar socially awkward hot mess just starting her lady shit… fml, thank god she’s the last
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