SB Labs

Snooping around the internet

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ICU nurse/Moderator
Was just looking around the interwebzzzz… and came across a “sponsor” called Queensland Pharma, and much to my surprise they have a UGM banner on their website.

According to my knowledge this person is not a sponsor… unless I just have my names mixed up or I’m over looking something.

I personally take a lot of pride in the way UGM runs, and the way we all take care of each other sponsor and members alike.

@Bigmurph @TG @TBU it’s obviously possible I’m WAY out of line here, but I’m coming from a genuine place. I don’t want someone out there using UGM and the reputation to give half assed products or service (I know nothing of this “sponsor”)

As I said. May be way out of line, and y’all know me… I’ll happily check myself if I am, and admit my wrong. It just didn’t sit right someone touting a UGM banner When they aren’t part of the community.
That’s what I’m talking about! In all seriousness, it just shows how special this place is. I immediately got offended and wanted heads to roll bc someone was using the UGM name wrongly.
I personally got scammed this way about 5 years ago. Granted, I was pretty naive to how things went on these boards. I was a member on another boards, many of you have been there in the past I’m sure, and the number 1 source at that time used the big green Marvel character as their branding. Anyways, I was looking around online, found an add for the said source and an email. I emailed them, was given a rundown or available vitamins, and was told to go to the board and check out the reviews to ensure their authenticity. Needless to say, I placed a pretty substantial order, and waited a few weeks and never received it. I had continued to be in touch with the individual over email, and was also becoming active on the board. So after they claimed to of reshipped and still not receiving, I just went ahead and contacted the source on the board. They were blown away. After showing them the emails, the receipt of the transfer, the source asked me what my exact order was, and even though they didn’t have to do anything of the sorts, they fulfilled the order for me plus some for all the shit I went through. Talk about generosity. Needless to say, they had me a faithful customer until they got busted some years later.
@KodiakGrrl pops up under their reviews on a certain electronic supplement review website. So I’m assuming it her. I recognized her name from older posts here.
She’s not on much, but I don’t believe she’s a sponsor anymore, she talked about here but awhile back
I know who your talking about haha watched my buddy’s walk around with pip from some of his stuff it was very potent however so they kept taking it good times he got off easy too they ordered a big order right when he got busted and months later it showed up out of nowhere talk about creepy
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