SB Labs

So I need some advice my brothers

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George W. Bush believed we needed to be more prepared for germ / virus warfare while he was in office all those years ago
You talking bush sr?

If so he was the head of the cia through the end of the cold war and was Reagans vice president. He was an extremely smart man and he new everything about everything.
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Bush daddy knew some stuff. I liked him. Jr… not so much.

Daddy could have beat clinton but the things he had to do (I don’t know) were beneath the dignity of a president… an article i read. Made me like him more.
I have zero problems wearing a mask to enter a store or some buildings. Zero qualms about having my temp taken and sprayed with sanitizers at some of these stores either. Fuck no I’m not getting any vaccine that was created just mere months ago. It took science damn near 30 years to create a flu shot for fucks sake.
My in laws got the shot. Won’t allow anyone in their home who hasn’t gotten it. Fuck em.
Some of my family - the same. Fuck em too.
Now if they say u have to wear the mask when u visit, perhaps I’ll oblige.
Someone have a drink for me please as I am also on the wagon and my irritability is showing
@Outlawthing, I’m not saying I won’t get it, obviously the safety of our youngest daughter is my top priority… I’m just saying I’m not sold on it. The government lies way too much
Nah boss I got you I know exactly where you coming from and I typically would say same but I got one hell of a good woman and a less than 1% chance calling me daddy that makes it hard to 😀
So updated I made a decision to at the moment. I am not getting it if it works the. Why are we still wearing masks how come story keeps changing I asked my wife same question what If I just say I got it how would they know then she said they give you a card I said Nazi germany ring a bell
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