Dude I was like where did you even buy those he knows what I do and he doesn’t even work out he thought he was doing something nice I guess :man_shrugging:t3:
Lol yea looks like a nip. I would be curious to roid test it tho would be crazy if they were legit. Never seen orals suspended in liquid like that besides clomid
Definitely looks like one of those bogus “AAS alternatives” they peddle on the web. It’s always got the name of a legit substance but it’s really just like beetroot extract and caffeine or something.
So just read his message he sent the pics in. and he got em from a pipe fitter lol he sent me his profile and dudes pretty jacked. But it’s still probably fake lol
No I’m def throwing them in the trash. I’m still on my first actual cycle of test. I don’t want to add anything. I’ll wait til my next cycle and get it from an actual sponsor
They dont look good but you never know what they are, especially looking like that. Roidtest them or throw them away. But they are orals so atleast your not injecting something.
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