So what would you guys like us to add?


Well-known member
Hello to my UGM family! Was wondering what you guys would be interested in adding to United Gear’s list? All suggestions are important to us so please chime in 😉
I would say that the compounds that seem to be on everyones wish list are primo enanthate 200mg/ml and DHB or 1testcyp dosed at 100mg/ml -150mg but no crashing on either and no gluicol in the mix.
I believe that another compound that no one else carries is stenbolone. Stanolone (DHT) straight DHT( thanks @SemperFi) the dhb and dht are both really great pre contest compounds
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Stanolone (DHT). Primibolan probably would be a better decision though from a business standpoint since so many go in the direction of mast vs. stanolone.

In my experience with stanolone nothing I have used comes close to the hardening effect it provides. Libo increases are insane and strength increases are close to halo because of the CNS stimulation.

@MBTJR1980 if Primo is the choice ignore these pups about 200mg. If they can’t handle the increased volume of 100mg they don’t deserve the pleasure of using Primo! :crazy_face:
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I am pretty sure DHB, 1 test, anatrofin, Stenbolone are the same except for acetate vs longer ester. Stanolone I’ve never used and don’t think had it in an offering.
Thank you fellas for your input. I will talk to United and see if we can get a couple new items up for you guys but i need your word that if i get him to add than you guys will place orders and sample the merchandise :crossed_fingers:t2:
Thanks @MBTJR1980 I would forecast having 1-2 of the proposed products from members added in the coming month, we will announce once added to list. - UNITED

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Absolutely tits brotha! Im looking forward myself to testing out the new products! Thank you for taking such good care of me and all our brothers and sisters at UGM that is why you are one of the top sponsors out there brotha :facepunch:t2: