Starting next cycle in a month or so now, wondering if there are more options?

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All of my cycles that I’ve ran have been Tren or Nandrolone centered as the nor19. My question, are there more nor19’s that I haven’t known about? I won’t run tren again, it causes me to become, depressed (?) maybe?? It just puts me in a bad mood and feeling down all of the time, and I’m a very happy guy. My wife also notices it and I won’t compromise our amazing relationship for it, plus feeling like that just isn’t worth it to me. Is there anything else out there that I’ve been overlooking?
Have you run NPP? it seems that most people say it’s quite different than Deca.

DHB is supposed to be great if you can managed the PIP.

MENT if you can manage the estrogen sides.

Haven’t used either one of those personally, just thinking out loud.

EQ is a favorite of mine.

You can always add some orals, tbol is what I’m using right now and I love it.

There’s actually a lot of options out there besides those 19nors!
Ment… what about a good ol test only cycle with proviron?
Test/ proviron cycle is a regular occurrence for me, with superD(or any oral) thrown in here and there for a few weeks at a clip.
I got a bottle of MENT that I’m going to be micro dosing on my next cycle. I’m hoping it doesn’t effect mine and @BigSwole69 's relationship haha he’s used to me being a little moody and rough with him though.
Just orders some ment personally wooo def have enough ai on hand when I run it
@NeuroRN- ways looking to gain mass, don’t really care about cutting, my wife’s cooking and GH takes care of that lol.

NPP is my favorite, and has been in my last 3 cycles. Really I will probably do it again this time.

About ment, sounds badass but I think I may get the same adverse effects that I get from tren. Anybody have any insight on this?

@John I love a good test provi run, that’s what I’m bridge-cruising-whatever-the-fuck on right now, just a TRT dose.

Thanks guys for the replies, I’ll probably go again with an NPP 700, Test p 700 and test c 200, superdrol 4w on 4w off, and proviron.

I love this combo, just hate injecting every day, but I’ll never run the deca ester again. I used that my very first cycle before I knew about NPP, and I still have like 4 bottles of it in my closet lol.
@BrandonIron you might get similar issues with ment n tren, AND you might not, I’ve ran both and for me, I have not experienced any similar issues with the two
Why do you prefer NPP over Deca. I’m looking to run one of them for my next cycle. Leaning towards npp, just curious to hear your opinion given you have experience with the two.
Deca causes me, and most people I believe, to retain incredible amounts of water, I may be wrong but I believe it aromatizes more than the PP ester, and it takes longer to get it into your system and start seeing results.

Deca, DBol, test is a common first run for a lot of people, and you can see if they’re managing the water and estrogen wrong by looking at them. Then at the end of the cycle, you dump 10+ lbs of water weight that was believed to be muscle and you know how that would feel…

But I’m not an expert, that’s just my perception of it.

NPP is great in every way, no sides at all (for me) and it does the job. Every cycle I’ve ran over the past 2 years I have permanently added 5-10 lbs of lean muscle each run that stayed there even after cycle. Love it, so really not sure why I even started this thread now that I think about it, just curious to what else is out there
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