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Steroids and Skin Care - Acne issues and bumps (closed comedones)


Staff member
Most people get on cycles and never take care of their skin. I saw an Instagram account of someone on cycles. Besides his bad cycle and training advice, I noticed he had bumps all over his face. The bumps are what’s known as closed comedones.

Theyre a form of acne and are non inflamed whiteheads and look like bumps forming under the skin.


Most people don’t even notice them as their skin starts to get more and more. Depending on your skin type, especially if you have oily skin and on cycle, you’ll get these popping up more frequently. Since they aren’t red and inflamed most people don’t do anything.

It’s simple to treat but takes time. If you’re on a steroid cycle make sure you take care of your skin. After you workout use a face wash and what I use is clearasil pads to wipe down. The salicylic acid helps reduce acne and treats this without issue.
Just to pile on… skin care IS important.

I’m not a know it all but have learned over the years that visits to dermatologist is a good thing. The older you get the more barnacles you need cut off… especially if you’re a sun bum. Use sun screen and wear a hat!!!

Diabetes will require frequent moisturizing…especially legs/feet.

@TG is absolutely correct. Skin care is often neglected but very important.
If you ever see elderly men with veins in the nose area and distortion usually it’s in men with high blood pressure. A trip to the doc before it starts they can zap the veins with laser and takes a few minutes. Even if you don’t see them they can see them with the light they use and once a year really you’ll never have those issues in the future. Just preventative care is all my dermatologist got me on.
Once it gets so bad they can’t reverse it. Better to just be preventative if you care about health and appearance imo.
I wouldn’t think so. There’s not much legitimate studies to show any improvement on this condition. It claims to help have healthier skin but steroids can cause issue with the oil glands and that’s why many users get acne.
I do get oily skin when running cycle. And like three times a day I will wash my face and oily areas.
And even take three showers a day if I’m able to.

Change sheets and pillow case like I change shirts.

But I don’t have any issue with acne and thankful for that.
That’s probably what’s keeping you from having issues. The oil doesn’t build up and clog.

I always wash and shower several times a day. I shower in morning, if I worked out in day I’d shower after that and then before bed. Now I work out late so shower after.

When I was younger would go into sauna and shower and back and forth a few times to sweat out anything bad and clean off. They don’t have saunas here or pools in gyms so can’t do it or I still would be doing that.
I have very sensitive blotchy dry skin. I use a gentle cleanser daily and a light moisturizer with SPF if I’m gonna be outside.

HGH has helped my skin quality a lotl. Proper hydration is another big one.