SB Labs

Sunday funday- working dayshift sucks

I’m feel so much better off the white hate that I got back on for that time period but honestly it got me
To where I am now which is one of the better jobs in the area that’s only 7 minute drive so sometimes things happen that are bad at the time but get you where you need to be in the long run.
White hate? You spell or write things fucked up a lot just making sure I read that one right
PLEASE! THats literally all I want. Like put me in the back of the unit. I don’t care. I just want to take care of my people and eat my food and go home.
There are countries that don’t even have the word discrimination as part of their vocabulary. I am also Cherokee as well as Polish. I hate hate hate how the left is trying to impose the victim mentality in the Indians now. Like taking away the name Redskins from the football team. I like it don’t have a problem with the name. As a matter of fact am proud of it. And they wanna make it like it’s a bad thing. You don’t hear Indians complaining. It’s stupid white leftist make it out to be a bad thing. If there were ever white supremacy it’s on the left because they have the mentality that minorities can’t make it on their own. They act like without their left white help minorities won’t make it. Like they are so much better. Fuck That!!!