Sunday Morning B.S. New Guy Intro


Well-known member
A little introduction… I have been an athlete to some degree my entire life from little league baseball and soccer to HS cross-country to 10 years in the Army and certifications from USA-W and the NSCA. I have a B.S. degree in Exercise Science and a M.S. in Sport Admin.

My first cycles were overseas in Iraq and done like a total noob. Organon Sustanon 250, d-bol, no PCT, long ass cycles. That said we were FUCKING MONSTERS. At 200 #'s I was pulling 515 from the floor, benching 395, and squatting in the mid-400’s. I couldn’t run 2 miles to save my life but I could do 25 dead hang pull-ups and 100 push-ups clean. Those days are no longer for this old man.

Cycles and training have changed for me over the years with my goals. I used to want to be huge and bend bars in the gym. Now I am more interested in long endurance events and over all health. Gear has been more of a recovery tool lately for me versus a growth tool.

Posting on a forum is a new experience for me. I have never done it. I cancelled all social media stuff awhile back on account of never really contributing to the community. All I did was read other peoples posts and never added my own. I thought I might try to change that with UGMuscle. From what I have read so far I am really impressed with the “feel” of this site; helpful, open, informed. I really appreciate how much actual science is being discussed.

Looking forward to learning a bunch and hopefully contributing to this community, if only to spotlight all the horrible, uninformed decisions I made cycling earlier in life.

Thank you for your service bro and welcome to the best forum all time! Glad to have you here with us. We are like a family here respecting each other and helping with anything we can!
Thanks for the intro. Welcome to UGM. If I can help with anything do not hesitate to reach out.

Get involved at any level you feel comfortable. Every member is an asset to our growing community.
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Welcome to ugm brother I will add you to our veterans category and im looking forward to hearing about some of your experiences and how you have changed to recovery over gains
Growth or gains may not be the best description. I stopped wanting to get bigger. I was to big for the activities I was getting interested in. I was tired of hurting. 10+ years of close to daily training to power lift and Olympic lift left me with constant, nagging injuries along with the ones I earned in life. I absolutely still make gains but my focus isn’t on muscular growth and weight gain any longer.

I also got more sensitive to Test as I aged. 500 mg/ week leaves me with nasty sides these days. I had to lower the dose. That said, I love the feeling on cycle so I have been experimenting with lower doses timed with specific phases of training. I am finding that during an 8 week muscular endurance phase a slightly higher than TRT dose is really good for motivation and recovery.

Really looking forward to some more experienced input about options for increasing strength and endurance without the bloat, gyno, and elevated BP that happens for me.
I also have a kind of love hate relationship with testosterone. I get bad sides at higher doses. I try to keep my test doses around 400mg or lower and let other compounds that I get less side effects from work there magic.
I enjoy tbol,npp,var and recently primo but the primo had some side effects with it also but I like high Anabolic and no estrogen conversion compounds.
I also have to watch my BP
Hgh I like but I have to run it low and long because of side effects also but it is a great addition.
I tried MHN recently and I liked it but it is hard to control the progesterone conversion but has no estrogen conversion. There isn’t much information about it either. So it was basically live and learn and its its one im going to try again and learn more about.
It gives you a really dense look and uses food really efficiently so bf is stripped off and you are left with a solid base.
This might be a compound that you would like. Not a huge mass buider but adds gains with basically no water or fat.
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