Super liver super no more after superdrol but test seems up to snuff


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40 mg of sd for 4 weeks I guess finally got levels to elevate. That said I didn’t notice lethargy till vaccine but I’m going to go with the sd being culprit. Plan on doing bloods again in about 6 weeks to see where I’m at off compounds other than cruise dose of
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I will say I think this is first time I drew bloods close to using orals. When I was using mtren that was inj to so maybe by passing one of passes through th e liver does make a big difference. Be interesting to see results after using inject M1t as well we f function will be fine
I have to ask maybe @NeuroRN will know whats the eGFR African American?
I’ve never seen this before is it something new?

What are they testing for that it only effects African Americans?

Im very curious about this

Great numbers for test and estrogen just looks like your body is starting to feel the long run and the sdrol.
Kidney function brother… i know age weight level of muscularity creatinine levels plays into it.

I know African Americans have different levels… maybe it’s like hypertension or sickle cell… might be specific/more prevalent to a certain race of folks
That was the first thing I thought that it was but eGFR I don’t know I need to Google it

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
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So if @Dirtnasty was an African American he would be in range but because he is Caucasian he is out of range?

That really interests me I want to know why its different between races?
Were all the same species so I don’t understand why it would be different?
I will say either I’m already getting back in range or having a badge that allows me to get paid for the time I work has me feeling much better today than I have in about a week. Bout to hit gym for light legs and back then get some dinner work and look forward to two 8 hour days in row. Not days off but 8 hours is cake compared to 12
Not new at all! African Americans statistically and historically have worse kidney function than anyone else. So rather than continue to let their labs be skewed they created a speedster category. It seems derogatory or negative, but it’s actually a very positive thing. It’s a separate formula to determine the lab value based of their normal.

Unfortunately the vast majority of renal failure patients are African American.
White German shepherds and sable German shepherds are the exact same species. One is genetically more prone to blindness, deafness, hip and elbow problems, and cardio myopathy. This is present in every species. An individuals genetics will always trump species genetics when it comes to deviations from the norm.