Superdrol log flashlabs

Ok back up, got the damned flu. So after about 10 days on I went from, 196.5 to 202, after flu bs I’m sitting at 200.5. anyway my apologies to everyone here, @Bigmurph @Flashlabs etc. I’m back up tonight was my 1st night back at it taking 10 mg. I will run it for 3-4 weeks and keep you all posted. That stupid stomach shit felt like the death of me. So stay tuned. Thank you all for your understanding. I’m also running 250 tpp npp blend EOD with my 250 test cyponate so I’m really stoked to get through this, I feel I can pack on 20 lbs…
That’s always the worse especially when all the planning you do goes south because of something you can’t control. Glad you’re back at it. Ready to hear your results curious about superdrol.
Really, I’ll have to do some research on it. I’ve always heard it gives awesome strength gains. Mast don’t really do that for me just hardens the shit out of me. Makes it tough for needles to go in. The other day I was pinning lats and they were so hard from the mast that the needle was about to bend. Had me a little paranoid.
Ok well it seems to me an argument, they are similar but world’s apart from further reading. Superdrol gives lean muscle gains and is 4x stronger than mast. So they share some things but aren’t the same. There appears to be some back and forth. I’m sure a veteran sponsor in here will clear any confusion.
Methasterone, also known as methyldrostanolone and known by the nickname Superdrol, is a synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never marketed for medical use.

That’s one claim
Mast= drostanolone
Superdrol= methasteron or methyldrostenolone

They may have the same chemical make up but they’re world’s apart in action

And another. Anyone actual verify one way or the other. Thanks
Very interesting. I’ve read a lot of people running it here lately and was wondering what it was like. You can do all the research you want but the best comes from diving into it. I’ve heard strength gains come fast so maybe they will offset the flu and you will be back in it in no time.
You don’t tend to hold water beneath the skin with Sdrol maybe a little if any, it more or less loads your muscle bellies with water and glycogen. It could make for a great prep drug in your final stages in a deficit. It would give you a more rounded and full look when stepping on stage.
Well that’s good I also read you again a drastic rate of strength. With that no water retention and increased muscle glycogen storage sounds pretty awesome. A lot say how toxic it is to your liver. Is that bs hard to believe it’s that much worse than any other oral?
I just had bloods done for liver enzymes and cholesterol levels and everything came back fine after a 4 week run of Sdrol. I was off Sdrol exactly a week before bloods. But don’t get me wrong I’m sure it does take a toll on the liver, I know after 4 weeks I really start to get lethargic though. The liver is a hardcore organ that really takes a beating and still regenerates it self. With that being said I strongly would not recommend to drink alcohol on Sdrol or any oral for that matter.