Superdrol log flashlabs

I don’t really see any water weight added I’m not fluffy I’m hard and tight as shit. I also started running my tpp npp cycle, but I have seen no water weight with the sdrol. Guess will see when I stop it if I lose any weight. I also have read you don’t get much water with sdrol
Well yeah this shit nuts. I’m at 209 lbs that’s freaking insane. My strength insane, I take my dosage go to the gym usually 45 min after tonight I didn’t wait 45 min shit kicked in middle of my workout, was like a turbo came on vaaarrrrroooommmm. I’m definitely pleased thank you @Flashlabs you da shit.

??? Time what’s the hepatoxicity of the injectable superdrol anyone have any experience,? Is it the same? Legit etc. Thanks
I was like 285 bench for 1 on my 6 th set I pushed 315 now and leg press is little over 1000, can’t do squats do to lower back problems, but I have incresed everything by 15 or more lbs. I’m gonna try the injection one next time.