Sus 250 and Dbol stack opinions for bulking?

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Recently ran test e MWF and Dbol everyday split dose 8 hours apart put on 30lbs in 1 month and 2 weeks looking for opinions on sus 250 with Dbol looking for an easy cycle that will push me above and beyond my goal weight is 215lbs which I know comes in time just curious of using sus 250 this cycle what dose is it MWF ? Should I change how I use my Dbol? Any opinions helps
Thanks guys!
What mg were you dosing for each compound? What exactly are you asking? What was your starting weight before the cycle? It’s always going to take a lot of time to keep your gains. If you step up your mg you’ll see nice gains in a short period but as soon as you stop using those compounds you are going to lose a lot of your gains that you put on in a short period.
@Xx go to the light my son. He the one they call Op , he is calling to you!
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25 yrs old weight trained since I was 14 for sports , used SARMs in the past switched to just a test cycle and then the cycle after I went to test and dbol
Bloated for a little bit but these gains are solid no more bloat and gains have stayed was injured 3 weeks back so had to take down time and weight hasn’t changed
Really just looking for a different stack that will bulk fast looking at options here , I love Dbol but just curious what’s worked for other people
Started at 128 lbs currently weight 160 lbs
600mg of test a week split MWF 50 mg of Dbol split 25/25 morning and evening
In my opinion I think that dbol or adrol with sust and nandrolone is the best mass gainer stack for sure.
I prefer running it with the dbol when I was young because I didn’t have any blood pressure issues to deal with but with dbol I prefer running it as a pwo 90 min before workout and you go in like a MONSTAR.
I have also used adrol 2wks on 2wks off allowing to run it for almost the whole cycle and still getting a good kick in the ass.

With sustanon your running mwf or eod definitely to stay level. Its already difficult to control estrogen when running 2 of the most aromatase compounds together meaning sust/dbol.

I’ve got your stats at
25 age Im sorry I don’t believe you are 25 but it doesn’t matter let’s get you going and be honest with us brother
160ish weight
How tall?
Whats bf?
Also your bmi?

You get me all this information plus the diet you run and your basic training routine and I will stick with you and help you do things right because I honestly don’t believe that you are 25 and if you’re super young wd need to start there were not like other forums if you’re 20ish then we can put together a plan to get you running gear in about a year because we need to fix the damage already done and then once your blood work comes back looking good you will be really prepared to hit it right while preparing meals supps and a solid routine brother.
You can start a log and everyone will help you along the path
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Are you using an AI? I’d definitely work with Optum, you could use just about any compound and get good results as long as you use it safely. That’s a lot of weight to put on in a short period and I’m sure it’s mostly water weight. I’m interested in equipoise, Deca, tren, I really like npp. I used 400 mg test and 25 mg Dbol Ed for the first month then for the last two ran npp at 25mg a day I put on 20 Lean pounds of muscle and about 5 in water weight. I’m PCTing now and shed that 5 lb water weight and I look a lot better then a bloated BBr. These are relatively low doses that reaped great results and I should keep most of it.
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I don’t even know where you guys get some of these pictures lol got me laughing so hard brother
I want to change your name back to big swole I don’t like the new name I can’t remember it half the time?
What do you think?
Personally @Xx at this age your diet and training is the most focal power vs rushing your development over mature muscle. But i have seen young men at 15 and my oldest patient at 94 and one thing here at Ugmuscle we are going to do it the right way and the most efficient and healthy way.

For starters, I am going to outline a protocol for you below. This is very mild given your age there is not need to rush unless we are trying to pursue a pro card or major status in pro sports.

12 Week Bulking Protocol
Sustanon- .5cc Monday Wednesday Friday
Test Ent- .5cc Monday Wednesday Friday
Dbol- 25mg AM 25mg PM Weeks 1-4
Arimidex- .5mg on Tuesday and Saturday
Nolvadex- ON HAND- monitor nipples and any onset of gyno, if this happen 20mg daily
HCG- 250iu on Tuesday and Saturday

This is very simple and will help you go after the results you are looking for while also allowing your endo system to bounce back for PCT. All the best and we are all here to help anyway we can!
Thanks brother lets dig in

Sust and dbol or adrol is what you want to run or do you want a mass gainer stack because in the end once we get diet and routine down you could run
Sust 250 mwf
Nandrolone 300 mwf 100mg
Dbol pwo
That’s the winner in bulking as long as you can afford enough food to feed yourself that’s what you should run.
More than welcome. I have made some incredible individuals over the years or what you guys call monstars!

Just trust the science and yourself and most importantly listen to your body. All the best and happy to hear you are pushing yourself and getting the results you are looking for.