Sus 250 and Dbol stack opinions for bulking?

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I am on a similar “journey.” I was in the best shape of my life in 2011 having spent the better part of a decade in the gym working on achieving my goals. When I got out of the Army and got a civilian job work consumed me, I stopped going to the gym, and by 2019 all my hard work had turned in to the wrong kind of weight. I buckled down and got serious about my diet and MADE time for the gym and my health beginning late 2019. It took a little more than a year to drop close to 60 lbs and get my BF% back in the low to mid teens. I would have loved to jump back on gear right away, but it would not have been healthy and it definitely wouldn’t have been able to provide me with the max benefits at that time.

There is definitely a lot of work to be done natty and it is really important to be in proper condition and to be the right age before picking up any kind of gear.
I started using it way too early and that is very likely why I have ended up with no natural T production in my early 30’s…Hopefully this guy will keep seeking out advice from the knowledgeable bro’s here and then listen to the wise words being spoken.

Best of luck.
Don’t know what to tell you guys I’m 25 will gladly post my ID card so everyone can stop doubting it , and I’m Skinny never go bigger it runs in my family ? Sorry if that’s so hard to wrap your mind around ?
That you would even suggest putting your personal information out here is crazy as says a lot.
What you can do is post a selfie. Stand in front of a mirror and make sure your face is covered for your own protection and you’ll silence your critics. Don’t do it and I’m calling bullshit
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Your good to go brother, we always give the new guys shit. Gotta have thick skin around here. These guys just don’t want to see anyone fuck themselves up permanently because they care and they done it. You got some good input as well let’s thank the guys who contributed, you have any more questions or concerns regarding your cycle?
If your skinny and wanna get bigger your in the right place stick around eating is the most important part
You remind me of one of my friends skinny as a rail could eat whatever he wanted wouldn’t gain weight dick was as long as as a sea bass we gonna give you a hard time we give each other a hard time. But we are all here for the same thing health knowledge and hard dicks I’m late to party but my two cents is
Take something like eq or primo with test your young you got time good clean gains you will keep it and very little health risk you like dbol so throw that in your cycle periodically like two on two off and bam you be whooping your brothers asses in no time