SB Labs

Talking about stress and issues

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I used to get down like that with everything and anything I’m the type if I’m single I’m single if I’m gonna be serious no point in wasting my time running around cheating but boy when your taking your always on the menu
Back off on everything. I have just a little experience but I was there a few weeks ago toward the end of my tren cycle. No matter what you are doing cut it way down like in half. If your cycling a multiplier stop it now and go back to your base only. I was there a few weeks ago myself and I was miserable and made everyone around me miserable too. I followed the advice of some guys on here that more than obviously know their stuff and I feel like a new man vs what I was a couple weeks ago. What I did was get a full hormone panel done , it cost me $149. The best 150 bucks I ever spent in my life. I shared my lab results here and followed the advice of @Optumpharma. One week later I feel like the libido driven monster in the bedroom and the gym I was before and during my tren cycle. I was feeling like a bitch. Lol. My labs showed me why and there was no wonder I felt like shit
I think sharing partners, for some of us, is the ultimate level of trust and honesty. Some people get married and never desire the company of any one other than there spouse, and that’s great, but a lot of men and women love there spouse, but let’s be honest, a little change in the menu is nice. Having a partner that both shares that opinion, and is honest enough to say “ Hey, I love you, I love our family, and this life we’ve created for ourselves! However, momma wouldn’t mind some strange dick(s), and I know daddy wouldn’t mind a little piece! Let’s get it together !” Many men stray outside there marriage and go behind there wives backs seeking that exact thing! I think I’m lucky enough to have a partner that has the same POV as I do about sex! Also my wife likes woman, this has been fruitful to me and my penis, if she wants a little side dick she’s earned it!
I lived in a guys shop for a year for room and board after my x wife took me for everything while working outta town cleaned me out sold all stuff and guns took paycheck and put it up her and others nose time I caught it I was toast took long time to dig out of hole but I’m with murph if she won’t help herself you can’t help her and kicking you out every time she doesn’t get her way isn’t right either no latter what you did in the past it’s unhealthy I’m not gonna take sides cause only you and her no what the real deal is you can’t live everyday not knowing if you have a place to lay your head don’t. Sleep on the street boss if you can’t find a place let me know. And I will get you a roach motel room or something
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