SB Labs

Talking about stress and issues

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Well damn, wife stopped taking her Prozac again, and blew up again, and this time I didn’t even do anything!

Well long story short, homeless again lmao.

Least this time I made sure to take my essentials as I seen the writing on the wall.
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Im really sorry to hear that brother do you honestly need the 101 of how to live on the street or do you have a place to go?
Ive lived on the streets for months and no one even knew about it I had a solid set up.
Let me know if you’re stuck sleeping outside and I will help you out
We will see how long I last at my parents house, which may not be very long!

How’d you pull it off?
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It’s not that, I go and clean my parents house everyday regardless since my mom is disabled and my dad is old and can’t do much.

Let’s put it this way,a lot of shit happened in my younger years there and it puts me in a not so good mood staying there.

On the bright side, I always make there house payment when I’m there which is about 400 less than the house I shared with my wife, that just means more money for gear and food!
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I slept on the streets with no car for 6 months maybe a little more but I figured out how to do everything and stay clean workout do laundry and sleep. Eat when you can its hard but basically I cleaned and showered and slept behind the big franchise gym but I became a member and that became my bathroom and shower also I could work out and watch tv.
Then basically just worked as much as I could saved up and got back to living normal it was hard but its survivable
That’s a good way to go about it! We shall see, it’s just hard not knowing if she means it this time or I’ll get a text saying she’s coming to get me again.
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