Test Levels Post Cycle

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I am 30 years old, and am currently running 250 mg of test cyp for 12 weeks and about to finish my 4 week cycle of 50 mg dbol. Already getting awesome gains.

My concern is with if my normal test levels will return to normal post cycle. I have (50) 25mg of Nolvadex and Clomid ready for use as well as Arimidex, and 15000 iu’s of HCG on the way. From my research, a PCT does not permanently help to restore natural T levels, but is rather a bridge to fill in the gap of time it will take your body to naturally produce test on its own.

I wish I had my T levels tested before I went on this cycle, however I did have it tested 4 years ago and the levels were at 640 ng/dL. One reason I went on this cycle was actually for the cognitive benefits. Which I might add have been profound. My memory has been substantially improved, better mood, erections, sleep ect. I’m not on a huge cycle so I am not afraid to lose much of my gains, so long as I feel good.

Can anyone tell me their experience with using a cycle and how their levels looked precycle, during cycle, and post cycle?

What might be the best bet to transition to returning to natural levels? In what case do bodybuilders not see natural levels returning to normal ever again?
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This is going to vary a great deal person to person… however at 30 it’s going to be more and more difficult to get your natural test back up. The HPTA was never intended to start and stop itself. It’s natural function is to rise, peak during puberty, and slowly decline.

It’s important to note, PCT isn’t a medical concept, from a medical standpoint the idea is once you’re on test…you’re on test. The assumption is once you start cycling steroids you will eventually end up of TRT. You might get a few more years using pct and restarting natural test, but only close monitoring of labs will tell you if you are returning to baseline.
At 250mg of test a week I would say there is ZERO need for AI. 250 is pretty close to TRT levels. Now if your nuts are shrinking and you want full balls and such. Keep the swimmers then I would use HCG to maintain size and swimmers. That’s about all I would run. Now. With that said, blood work will be a more accurate guess of what you need. PCT and AI are used mostly when you start running a gram of AAS. (This is me and my blood work). I can run 500mg and not even need any AI. To be honest, the only time I needed AI I was running 1.4 gram combined AAS before it even tweaked my estriol levels. I am not a fan of clomid and would rather use HCG. It works.
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