The Advantage of Age and Getting Older


Well-known member
Short a sweet… The next time you get down on yourself about getting old or someone confronts you about being old remember this one simple thing. This thing places you at a huge advantage over those in their younger years…

Getting older lets you know you do NOT have any time to waste

This reality allows me to make the most of every opportunity, be more focused on my goal(s) and reap greater rewards because of a greater appreciation for what I am accomplishing.

“Supreme excellence is the art of an older athlete or bodybuilder.” - Senior Citizen Semper Fi
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In all seriousness, perspectives shared of being older help the younger.
Truly a journey…I love being able to say NO. There is a great comfort in learning that I may be a part of another persons journey and everything doesn’t revolve around me. Its so much fun to say I don’t know and I really don’t care and yes you have bigger arms than me.
Eh…i am still having a hard getting old…my doc say…oh…its because u are getting old u are achy and having this and that issue…and i dont know why but that pisses me off…i always say…noo…injury is why…injury…otherwise i feel early 20’s…and no that not the year i was born 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Aging is irrelavent but u have to beleive in and live the idea…the instilled idea of age is a living in dogma deal… the fountain of youth is within us…we can live and be strong and fit for as long as we want…we were designed that way…to constantly regenerate…yet we some how deteriorate and die as we look at examples so often that this dont make sense…and the answer is plastered all over…yet we look past it because it has been decided for us for hundreds 9f generation…the thinking that we are to get old deteriorate and die…its how it is…but i know…it doesn’t have to be…but it is impossible to be successful in this idea because of the endless diversions and ways of live created and encouraged to prevent this…one tool…and the most powerful tool…is time itself…which is the mother of stress…and that’s just one tool to prevent us from hardly aging…another is gravity…but aging by angle can be dramatically slowed by keeping strong dense bones and muscles…hundreds of head circles and side to side…front…back…and various other repetative head and neck movement…can do wonders for keeping that face neck and face tight…but do that in private though or u will look kinda funny in the gym doing that stuff between sets…so gravity…that’s two…and then a few hundred other things…so to obtain the fountain of youth with us is almost impossible so we all fall to this aging idea sooner or later. Genetic dispositions are also a factor but are fixable but if key things that cause aging are fixed i believe 200+ years of life and able 200+ years on the low end is possible…with technology…we will soon prove in the next 20 years or less this is possible and thats with the help of technology on top of the already natural ability to…

So for now the phrase to describe my rant is…

This dude is a wack job! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes i am…see me in twenty years and then tell me what u think about the concept then 🤣🤣🤣
But yes…getting older in numbers…you can appear magical and psychic to younger peeps…you are able to foresee the danger they are about to face on different things and give them direct warning…or do things to save them if u are in that position…or tell them…watch them do what they were advised against and fail exactly as u said and feel awesome and powerful when they have to admit it to you 🤣🤣🤣
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