SB Labs

The bits just keep on coming

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
So as some of you know I’ve been nursing a knee issue. Well had my MRI and fortunately all the soft tissue , cartilage and ligaments look god, but unfortunately that’s not the end of the story . I have part of my femur called the medial epichindile that has had some trauma and now is dying. First I’ve ever heard of it but that’s my luck. So the fix is they go in and else I’ll some holes in it to try and create more trauma to induce healing. Hopefully it works. So I guess it’s not terrible. A few weeks out of commission but I’ll handle that. So after I get home from there my daughter says she had just tested positive for Covid. Luckily no symptoms as of yet. You’ve herd me say find the good in everything before well even I’m struggling to find the good in this. I’ll get back to you on the morning
Lol. First I’ve heard of someone deliberately breaking something to fix it. Seriously though doctors do some amazing things today. Hopefully your daughter will be fine too. My youngest tested positive back in December and did not get sick at all
@Kad1, I would suggest that the good in your knee injury is that the necrosis isn’t progressed far enough that you have to contemplate any form of joint replacement, some of those procedures like what they want to do to you have terrific results. I’m not sure about the good in the COVID diagnosis for your daughter, I myself would be sitting extremely uneasy with that, especially with some of the variants supposedly being more hazardous to younger people. I’ll keep you and the family in my prayers for speedy recovery’s on both ends!
I have and I’ll start it again now to help with recovery
Damn ive never heard of a body part dying from an old injury or being fixed by more trauma. Crazy stuff SMH
I hope that your daughter doesn’t get bad symptoms and pulls through easily.
Hydration and Tylenol I believe is the home remedy for covid.
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So far she’s totally fine. I’m my worries about me getting it and not being able to get my surgery. Normally I don’t give a shit but I want this surgery done ASAP. Schedule for April 28th. For Covid we use a cocktail of D3, vitamin C and zinc. I started that already also
Distance and sanitation brother will definitely keep you from getting sick. You already know this though

You got your shot but it hasn’t been 15 days?
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Haha no. My luck I got my shot the day before. I also have a whole house air filtration system built into our HVAC so that’s helpful as well as keeping her in her room, wearing a mask and keeping clean. Let’s see what happens
My ex actually had this on her talus, she played college volleyball and soccer. Hers was so bad they were past the drill holes stage. the theory in the surgery makes sense… just like a broken bone. The body will rush to repair itself. I wish you the speediest recovery. I known not all are fans, but I’ve seen strongly positive results with bpc-157 and tb500. Just a thought!
Good to k ow. I have heard of it before but for my particular injury was a new one to me. I’ve heard of the peptide theory but was never sure dosage, site injection etc. is there a resource somewhere?
Tb500 2mg twice a week.
Bpc-157 250-500mcg daily.

Both subQ.

I don’t use at local injection sites. The wife does. I can’t tell a difference.

I had to piece together my info on it. I guess I should do a write up on dosage etc. I know I posted a few articles way back. I’ll find them and link them.
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BPC 157, TB500 info for all Steroid Profiles
Some good articles on the two peptides I usually bring up.
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