I will say that because of the amount of scams online requesting donations I approach everyone of these situations with alot of skepticism going in. I can really understand everyone’s point of view about this from his problem not mine to feeling bad for the guy and wanting to help him out.
I personally donate to a couple of different online requests for donations. I donate to
Anaboliclab.com and I have donated to
Anabolicdevelopment.com. I have even recently donated to other forums that I frequent because I really believe in harm reduction even if it isn’t through
get.jackedforums.com. Me donating to these sites can definitely have people saying that I shouldn’t. I do though because I believe in these sites and I agree with what they are doing.
A different example is even that I donate to opioid addiction rehabilitation and to support the legislation of medical marijuana. I just wanted to point out that its only medical I could care less about recreational.
Donating to these two causes brings criticism which I can understand but if I believe that I want to donate I make sure that everything is legitimate with the donation im going to be making. I mean you really need to check into the organization or the person because I believe that the biggest online scam is probably donations so dig deep before committing. Also you don’t want to donate to an organization no matter how legitimate they may seem if there employees are making more money than I am or you are and there income is coming from the donations made than I don’t donate this is a personal preference.
It really comes down to each person and what they want to support. As long as this doesn’t pop up as a complete scam in the next couple of days I believe that I will donate to Dan.
I wish him the best if he is truly going through this situation.
Best of luck to you Dan from Banned at
get.jackedforums.com if you read this reach out we would like to really discuss your situation.
It would be great to hear your story and be able to discuss it here at
I believe that the sponsors that have taken it upon themselves to donate to a situation like this shows that they really care about people’s safety and harm reduction just like I do and I wanted to say to them much respect.