SB Labs

The Ozempic Files

Sitting here chatting with my #1 son and realized that a year or so ago he had made the statement that prior to any procedure/surgery where you are getting put under… you are to halt ozempic 3 weeks prior to.

Wellll fast fwd to a few weeks ago when i had my consultation with the spinal surgeon… great doctor and I feel very comfortable with him. He comes highly recommended by local medical professionals that I trust. He scheduled me for a procedure where i will be put out and the first thing on the list to halt “prior to” is ozempic (and all others in that class). Below that was aspirin nsaids tobacco alcohol etc…

My procedure is this Thursday and I haven’t dosed ozempic in weeks.

Takeaway is: pay attention to @Neuro
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Two years on ozempic this month.

I’m still of the opinion that this is a very dangerous drug. Handle with care.

I’ve drilled down to what works for me… full dose of 2mgs every Sunday evening for 6-8 weeks then take a week completely off. First week back take half dose of 1mg. Wash rinse repeat.

I tried splitting my dosage into twice weekly but that just didn’t work for me. I was losing too much weight. Felt terrible. Where as single dose a week let’s me get a re-feed starting Friday evening through Saturday.

Also, speaking with others that were prescribed ozempic because they were fat ladies… they ended up getting sick after approximately 2 months like clockwork. They would quit and regain all the weight back, restart, get sick, quit… stay off stay fat.

6 weeks then break seems perfect for me.

Also a stool softener/laxative keeps everything pushing through nicely. Along with diligently taking supplements for gut health. The supplement suggestions were compliments of my #1 son.
I will also add… beings the storm has passed and it’s a freaking steam bath outside. Keeping hydrated has been a chore. For me… the volume of liquid my gut can tolerate at one time is significantly reduced Monday through Wednesday. Like food… it starts subsiding on Thursday.

I have always treated a 1/2 liter of water as a single serving. Not so much on semaglutide.