The Thunder run

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Fellas I have received all medications and am now ready to start asking y’all your take on what I got and what I’m trying to do.

Current stats

379 pounds down from 467
300 mg week of test prop
0.25 mg 2x a week of anastrozle

Diet has been real clean but I personally believe that intermittent fasting has been the game changer. That has been from 9 pm till noon the next day.
I will post a pic of my diet later.

Here’s what I have on hand……

Test prop-Short ester guy
Mast prop- estrogen help
Npp- joint relief
Equipoise-always wanted to try
Anavar-6 to 8 weeks
Metformin- so many health benefits
Nolva- just in case
Hcg- cuz I like the boys nice and plump
Hgh- recovery, sleep
Cialis- pumps, blood flow
Caber- in case
Organ support

Here’s the biggest question I have. Will hgh, Metformin, and intermittent fasting play nice together or will I need to go back to first meal being at 6 am instead of noon? My plans for the first 90 days of hgh is 2 iu before bed. Will that dose,at that time, require me to eat sooner than noon? How would the Metformin fit into a fasting style diet?
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Cardiovascular health is on point. Blood pressure is rarely over 120/76. Even at the higher weight… wife’s a nurse but more than once I’ve had her do it again with the same reading so there’s that.

What about the hgh?
Some ideas to consider geared toward fat loss which I would do…
  • Max your test dosage w/o the need for an AI…no other anabolics
  • hCG 1000iu wk split into 2 dose per week
  • 500mg Metformin 20 min before your big meal
  • Work up to 3iu GH split into two doses a day in fasted state, 2nd dose fasted and prior to zone 2 cardio
  • Zone 1 (Steady State Cardio i.e. walking with purpose) every day as much as time allows
  • Maintain a calorie deficit
  • Compound lifts 3 times a week
  • Zone 2 cardio 3 times a week
  • Drink bodyweight in oz of water everyday
  • Get a bodpod complete or a Dexa scan every 8 weeks
What did your last blood work look like?
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You’re a big dude!!!

Hats off to your successful journey…so far. You’re doing great.

What’s your end game? Target bw? Strength goals? Bf%?

Glad you’re healthy. Not many guys your size can make that claim. How old are you?
Yep test is Ali would do. at 6’4” I’m not sure build but I’m 300 but built like a tank. So I’m guessing you could get down to /similar eight then consider adding other aas. Hgh is something that could help some with fat loss
Sitting here pondering stuff (supposed to be working) and cracking myself up… I’m ecstatic about loosing 8ish pounds and you’ve dropped almost 100!!!

I’m just a razors edge above completely useless. Hahaha
I lost 50 before I hopped on gear and one point was down 70 at 250 now I’m 300 two years later. I will add maybe low dose of masteron could be beneficial. But I would just stick to just above trt level test and just push hard with weights and cardio.
You mean for weight loss? Cuase when your that big it’s actualy pretty easy you just stop eating like an asshole for few months and it comes off
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