SB Labs

The Thunder run

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Thunder said:
45 years old, 6’4”, 350 pounds

Not gonna give a sob story as to how I got to this weight. Bottom line is you don’t find 300 pounders in the nursing homes. I’m here to change my fate at all costs. I wanna lose 100 pounds and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happened.
Whatever you do, it needs to be absolutely sustainable.
It needs to be a lifestyle change and not a program, or drugs, or diet.
Thanks for your response brotha, I appreciate it. Only question I have right now is about zone 2 cardio. Would hiit fall under that?
Oh shoot…you ain’t no youngster.

Good on you for taking care of yourself. Health first.
Like a year and a half, maybe 2 years ago.
Everything was golden except my test. Was just below 200.
I’m scheduled to meet with an endo here mid November. Since I’m gonna use this as a log I’ll post the results here.
I’m definitely over due though
Going to check out this new gym today here in town called rts barbell. It has all the elements I need and am looking for.
I’m gonna post my diet here in a few if you’d give it a look I’d appreciate it brotha.
I am no Macro expert (or expert on anything):
Protein = Target body weight
Carb = Target body weight
Calories = -10% of total daily expenditure for losing weight slow and steady
  • I would guess you would want to revisit this after you get your workout program solidified.
  • Your protein seems high, and carbs seem low.
  • White rice instead of brown rice if you can
  • I would split your meal #1 into two servings if possible an hour apart
  • Apple watches are great for figuring out and tracking total active and resting energy (calories) as well as heart rate and zone training.
I am 6’ 1" 210 and macros look like this currently for reference:
NUTRITION - DAILYDaily CaloriesDaily Protein GramsDaily CarbsDaily FatFiber
Mini Protein Shake (am)139101241
Coffee w/ soy milk x4160104--
Breakfast - Eggs264221041
Breakfast - Cold Oats461256097.5
Pre/Post Workout Smoothie3694051513
Lunch - Monster Mash5184928212.5
protein bar180202363
Dinner (Guessing Here)5003026153
Beer (3 ultra)15817.25--
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It definitely makes perfect sense. Those numbers were good at the start but considering the weight loss the macros should adjust accordingly. I can’t thank you guys enough for your input on this.
You lost 100 fucking pounds really you should be giving people advise how to do it! If you’re trying to lose more I don’t see why you wouldn’t keep doing what worked. Don’t fix something that isn’t broken.
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