SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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Good to see no pull on elbow. Tomorrow heavy triples will be good test for mine feeling better. Hurt during squats Monday but went away much quicker and didn’t affect my push and pull workout Tuesday
Learning to “strain” is harder than it sounds. I had to relearn it a few times. Stan efferding when he broke the raw 275 total had great video of his lifts. You have to find the side video of his squat. That is the definition of straining.
So… been a while. Trying to get back on track after a few shitty weeks. I started in the middle of the week, yesterday, with week 6 since that’s where I left off. Hit squats and lower body assist

Speed squats, 6x2, weight was supposed to be 170 but I used Yukon Bar so it was really 180. Knee feels great, and depth was easy to hit. Everything felt strong, especially my hips

Assist work was
Front Squats - 4x5 @ 150
Barbell Good AM - 4x10 @ 150
Leg Extensions - 2 x 20 @ 50 and 70 single leg, 2x 20 @ 130 and 170 both legs

Hamstrings got real tight while squatting, as I was only taking 45 seconds rest. I’ll hit shoulders and weak points tomorrow, but honestly my give a fuck isn’t really there. I’m struggling to eat, and the only thing lifting is doing for me right now is keeping me from making bad decisions.

Saturday will start block number 3, weeks 7-9 before testing again. Hopefully I can sustain 3 full weeks of training with no stupid ass work interruptions, or just life in general saying “hello and fuck you” right to my face @Poppy , I know you follow
This, PM me, got a question for you.
Week 7 day 1, Heavy DL’s. Had high expectations for today, climbed 2/3’s of the mountain and bowed out on the last 3rd… heavy sets today were singles at 430, 440 and 455. Warmups went well, very fast off the floor and hips felt great, last warmup was 405 for a single with no belt. 430 moved good, belt was not where I wanted it, but I was still comfortable and fairly quick off the floor. 440 was struggle bus, not sure why 10 lbs fucked me up like that, but I had my belt exactly where I wanted it, got my air and set my hamstrings… from the ground to my knees felt like forever, even though it wasn’t, and my left hip on lockout didn’t feel quite right… I pondered for about 3 min whether to go for 455 or hit 440 again or just stop, and I decided to just stop. Assessors work wasn’t too extensive, wide lat pull downs, t bar rows and hamstring curls.
Sunday was Week 7 day 2 was bench speed work. Left elbow has been bothering me, but mixing EFS Hot Pink and Blue heat, and wearing my wife’s knee sleeves as elbow sleeves has been helping. Main exercise was speed bench, 6x2 @ 185 with orange bands. Everything felt fast and tight, used 3 grips, wide, normal, narrow. After that was dumbell flat press, dumbbell flyes, dumbbell row, and v-bar push downs.

Supposed to squat tonight, but my wife ran out of her OTC Meth, Vyvanse, and my back is starting to get slightly tight, so we’ll probably push squats to tomorrow night.

On top of that, some pretty big life changes. I’ll be leaving the maechanical contractor Ive been working for the last 4 years and taking a job as one of the 2 new welding instructors at my local unions apprenticeship school. Set hours, climate controlled in a classroom and weld shop, and doing what I love, teaching people how to weld!
Great news on the new job! I’m sure you’re about ready to come off the road… get off your knees…stop climbing…lifting…the list goes on, I’m sure you’re well aware.

You’re getting stronger. 185 with bands for dynamic is great.
I’m excited. That was one of the biggest things for me, I’ve wanted this job for a while, I applied for it 6 years ago, but now with the fake hip, it’s about the long run and not the short term glory.
You’ve put your time in. Working like that is a young mans game. Your knowledge will be well used in the instructor arena.
Tonight, week 7 day 3, squats… was supposed to
Do 3x2 at 205, the heavy block in the cube, the rep work is stupid because the percentage is 85. Instead I did 2 doubles and an AMRAP, hit 10 for AMRAP and left at least 3 in the tank. Knees felt great, and hips felt STRONG. Assessory work was RDL’s, Goblet Squats and Leg Extensions.

I think I need to make some tweaks to my diet, I feel like a fucking toad and… probably drop my cals for a bit, maybe down to 2250-2500 on training days and closer to 2000 on non training days, haven’t weighed myself in a bit, but I would imagine I’m sitting in the mid 230’s and nothing but Jelly Roll.

On a better note, my last day of working for the company I’ve spent 4 years at is tomorrow. 3.5 day weekend and next week I start teaching down at the apprenticeship school.
Had a ridiculously long weekend. Did shoulders and weak point work on Thursday, but that usually just turns into shoulders and a little Bi’s and Tri’s. My left elbow is still giving me fits, so it really limits what I can do. Thursday was also my last day at the company I’ve worked for for almost 4 years, so Friday we had our grandson as this was supposed to be our daughters weekend with him… around 2 pm Friday our daughters ex husband called us and informed us that she had attempted suicide, and was en route to the hospital, so that kind of kicked our weekend into a tail spin. She was unsuccessful, however she is admitted into the mental health wing at a local hospital on daily monitoring.

I still trained yesterday, had to get my mind off things, week 8 day 1 speed deadlifts. Pulled 335 5x2 with 45 seconds rest between. After that was reverse hypers, cable pull through, wide pull downs and hamstring curls.

Today was reps on bench, hit 220 2x2, then AMRAP for 8 reps. After that was Incline Dumbbell Press, Incline DB Flye, rope pull downs, and v-bar pushdowns.
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