SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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Haven’t posted in a while, finished my first 3 week block today with one last floor press session, then an old training buddy of mine came in and talked to my wife and I for almost 2 hours about the meet he just competed in. Kinda ruined the rest of my workout. Yesterday I hit my last deficit pulls, had to use a rigid bar instead of a DL bar, still worked up to 450 lbs for my heavy single, and a triple at 405 to end. The next three weeks will be SS Yoke box squats for ME work, and deadlifts @ 55% with chains for DE work lower, and probably a 2 board press for ME upper and close grip bench @ 55% with chains for DE work.
I maybe weird but I can do heavier on rigid bar. I guess my stabilizers are
Weak point
A few months back I could pull with a rigid bar just like with a DL bar, however when my old teammate showed up at my gym with his DL bar and Mastodon Squat Bar, I started to train solely with the DL bar… if/when I compete, it will be either USPA, UPA or SPF, so I will have the luxury of using a DL bar in the meet rather than a rigid bar.
Speed pulls this morning, week 4 day 1. 225 on a rigid Ohio Bar with 100 lbs of chain. 10x2, everything was FAST. I took less than 30 seconds rest between sets too just to get the heart rate up.

Assessory work was -
Cable pull throughs 4x12
Leg Ext 4x12
Ham Curl 4x12
Rope pull downs 4x12

Then I got the genius idea to do 45 second sprints on an aredyne (sp?) … that was dumb
Was planning on doing SS Yoke Bar box squats for the next three weeks, but my friend who owns the gym I go to just got this yesterday


So I do believe I will be doing belt squats for the next 3 weeks for my Max Effort lower workouts. Today will be dynamic effort bench, 55% with chains for 9x3 with 3 different grips
Looks like you train in a nice place. Surprised you don’t have one at your gym.
They are just now getting better but still cater the regualr lifter. But it’s best option in area so be thankful for what you have. It what you don’t.
That is pretty awesome. Supposedly from what I’ve read and seen for reviews that the rogue rhino belt squat is the best of the best.
Hit my DE bench the other day, and went in for ME lower on Christmas Eve… did SS YOKE box squats to parallel, worked up to 300 for a triple and had to stop, didn’t want to go any heavier… finished out with Belt Squats ( not a fan of the belt on that machine ), Hip Thrusts, extensions and curls.

Today is ME upper, will probably be 2 board presses…
ME Upper yesterday, changed from doing 2 boards to Incline Bench after we got to the gym and saw how ridiculously busy it was. Worked up to 230 for a single, had a little room to go heavier but I didn’t want to, so I went 3x3 at 90%, 205. After that

Wide pull downs 4x8
Dumbbell Flat Bench 4x 8

Superset 4 x failure
Alt dumbbell curls
Meadows 6 way shoulder raise
I can’t comment on the different belts for the belt squat as I’ve only used the spud belt. I like the spud.
If the belt on this rhino belt squat were like a spud belt, it would be great. The belt on this one is easily 8” wide all the way, it puts ALOT of pressure right on the hip joint itself when you’re in the bottom of the hole
I’m on last week of incline bench Only goig to try and hit 425 or so for triple
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