SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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Week 8 day 3 heavy squats… 5 am squats are stupid as fuck! Working sets today were 220, 225, and 230 all for singles. They all felt light, needless to say I’m pussyfooting my squats, which I have no issue with as long as my DL continues to go up… I talked to a pal of
mine who used to train at the same PL gym as me, he left for the same reasons and is training at my buddies gym now, 5 weeks out from a national invite only meet… I told him if I could easily hit a token 350 on squats, I’d consider doing full power again rather than just push pull, but at the same time, I’m cautious about my right hip, I don’t want it going bad. Assist work was leg extensions, leg curls and good AM’s.
Going to condense my weekend log to just the main lifts. Saturday was week 9 day 1, rep work on DL @ 405 (I beleive 80%, can’t remember) pulled 2x2, then a 3rd AMRAP. Hit 6 reps on AMRAP and only stopped because my left elbow felt like it was going to fall apart. Sunday, Day 2, was bench. 3 singles at 90, 92.5 and 95%. Everything felt good, even with a catch in my shoulder, 230, 240 and 250 all flew with 2 second pauses.

Today, currently finishing speed work on squats, Day 3. This will be last training day this week, with a test out Sunday. I’m more concerned for my wife’s lifts, if I increase all mine by 10-20 lbs, I’ll be thrilled.

5x2 @ 185 45 seconds rest Buffalo bar squats
3x12 hack squats feet together
3x12 RDL
5x12 leg extension
4x10-12 cable pull through

I’m fat as a toad, probably sitting around 235, and it’s mostly from not giving a fuck the last 6 weeks with stress from my old job and shit going on with my family. So the next 9 week block will probably be a little more up tempo to allow for a little leaning out, I’m not comfortable at this weight, I need to be around 210-215 to be comfortable
JB_rD81 said:
I’m not comfortable at this weight
I understand that completely.

It’s not like you don’t have anything going on at the moment.

Take care of yourself big guy.
You’re right about where I was at my heaviest 240ish) and I felt terrible ALL the time.
Think of it like this, Extra food, Extra fuel and Better lifts. Besides it won’t take nothing for you to drop the weight.
That’s why I gorged myself…to give it one last go on the platform. Got my squat I wanted but not my bench.

I dropped 20 pounds right after that. I just couldn’t carry that weight…almost 20 more in the last year.

I’m going to my grave without a 500 pound bench press. Hahaha
What a week. No testing lifts today, we’re pushing it to next weekend. I started 50 mg anadrol last Sunday, first time in almost 7 years I’ve used it. Workout days 60 min pre, non workout days just mid day with meal. Twice last week in the evening my chest felt so heavy I couldn’t breath and had panic attacks and all week it felt like sludge was coursing through my veins rather than blood. Anadrol has never effected me like that before, it was kind of scary, not sure if I’m too old for it now at 41 or if my body just doesn’t like it any more. I’ll probably go ahead and put that one on the “never use again” list

I did have a good day with my oldest daughter yesterday at the Iowa/Minnesota game, that was a plus.
Day 1, Week 1 conjugate Dynamic Effort Bench

Speed Bench, 8x2 @ 150 + red bands. Focus was on explosion from the pause, and powering through a lockout. 30 seconds rest between sets.

Incline Dumbbell Bench 4x12 @ 75 lbs, 60 seconds rest

V-bar Pushdowns 4x12 @ 145, 60 seconds rest

Face Pulls @ 165 ss Dumbbell Curls @ 35 4x15, 60 seconds rest

Wide Lat Pulldowns @ 150 ss Side Dumbbell Raise @ 20, 4x25 90 seconds rest
Need to update a little, need to be better about updating daily.

Week 1 day 2 Dynamic Effort Squat - Thursday

Buffalo Bar squats 8x2 @ 50% with Red Bands

Buffalo Bar Good AM 4x12
Body weight split squats 4x12
Hamstring Curls 4x12
Leg Extensions 4x12

Week 1 day 3 Max Effort Lower - Saturday. This day should have been Upper, but my wife wanted to deadlift so I said Ok

Deficit Deadlifts 2” to a heavy single, then 3 lifts @ or above 90% . Worked up to 405, moved easy, but I hadn’t deadlifted in 2 weeks and things weren’t feeling right.

Dumbbell RDL 5x8
Glute Machine Hip Thrust 5x8
Hyper Extension 5x8

Week 1 day 4 Max Effort Upper - Sunday

Floor Press to a heavy Single, 3 lifts @ or above 90%. Worked up to 275 for a double, didn’t want to go much heavier as my wife was already done benching.

Incline DB Press 5x8
Skull Crusher/Close Grip 5x8
Wide Lat Pulldown 5x8
DB side Latteral/face pull 4x25-failure
Conjugate week 2 Day 1 (was yesterday) Dynamic Effort Lower.

Buffalo Bar Squats 8x2 @ 55% + orange micro mini bands. Weight was 150, rest between sets was 60 seconds

Good AM 4x12 w/Buffalo Bar, 150 lbs
Glute Machine Hip Thrusts, 4x12 140 lbs
Reverse Hypers no weight 4x12
Leg Extensions 4x12, 160 lbs

One more week of this workout, then change things up. Tomorrow is Dynamic Upper. 5 am comes early
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