SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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Sorry man like I said what ever I have is much worse this go around for me. Which I didn’t test positive
Week 7, deload week. Knees are killing me, lower back is tight. Probably won’t log my workouts. On an update, our youngest daughter has been symptom free for 5 days now. I was worried at first with her condition and compromised immune system, but things are looking up
Week 8 day 1…. Flip flopped my days a little… my buddy has been taking in some new members, mostly people who are tired of the old gym we all used to train at. Saturday I went in to do deload ME lower and there were 7 people in the powerlifting room… a room that’s approximately 15’x25’ and has 3 DL platforms, 3 squat/Bench combo racks, a power rack, reverse hyper and box jump stations… so needless to say the powerlifting room was FULL. And the assholes that we’re in there I like to call the yak yak crew… they work out hard and get shit done, but they’re notorious for talking for 30 min or so between sets, I hate that… so I switched my day to ME bench and de loaded that, which brings us to today…

DE Flat Bench with red bands doubled up, 9x3 using 3 grips, weight on bar 150. Normal grip, wide grip, close grip.

Assist work
Flat DB Press 4x12
Wide Pulldowns 4x12
Face Pulls ss w/ meadows 6 ways 4x15-20
Pushdowns ss w/alt DB curls 4x15
I won’t lie, it took a few sets to get fast… I won’t push/pull until I can total over 1000# though, and that is going to require a bigger bench
Yesterday was week 8 day 2, Dynamic Effort lower. Did Yukon bar squats with doubled up red bands at 170 bar weight, 10x2.

Assessory work was
Hip sled - 4x15
Leg extension - 4x15
Leg curl - 4x15

On squats I really concentrated on glute activation, and boy am I paying for it today. Especially my left glute, the hip O had replaced.
Week 4 day 3 and 4 over the weekend. Saturday was bench, did 2 board, worked up to a triple at 275 and didn’t want to go much heavier due to my wife spotting me, assist work was incline DB presses, Arnold DB presses, face pulls, lats and bud/tris. Sunday was ME Lower, worked up to 500 on reverse band rack pulls from 1” under the knee. These felt good, could’ve been faster or smoother, but felt good. Assist was Buffalo Bar Squats, glute max machine and t-bar row.

Today was DE Upper, Week 9 day 1. Did bench with chains, bar weight was 155, chains was 80# at the top. 9x3 with 3 different grips. Assist was low incline and flat DB press, DB overhead press, neutral grip pull downs, bent over DB rear delts, and pushdowns/db curls
Agree that everyone has different goals and ways to get there. I’m in the same goal boat as you, so I think Masteron is great. I am on 3rd week of another attempt at NPP, as well. So, I’m hoping that NPP treats me really well, like it did you, when you recommended it for last run attempt, before the damn Rona. Running what I think is a lower amount of both and will run them a bit longer low. 400/400
Went the whole last month of conjugate without posting here. Was not a very successful run, a lot of small lingering issues. Probably won’t ever train west side again, we’ll just put that on the shelf of stuff that used to work great when I was younger but almost kills me now that I’m old… right next to anadrol.
Haha. I will be doing both this year for you. In fact did 75 pwo inject drol to go with my daily rp of sd today. Feeling a bit amped for dead’s. Triples tody
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Yep… the last month was just total garbage. A lot of soreness I’ve never had before, can’t do box squats any more because of the pressure on the knees… nothing feels good, the last 4 weeks it was just hard to get into a proper groove… some of it was probably that I wasn’t really peaking for anything specific, just my own personal glory.
Whatcha gonna do brother?

Giving up on competing is a tough pill to swallow. I still choke on it every so often.

In my mind… the little bit I do now…I still “program” it, but just so I don’t feel completely useless and stupid. There’s no peaking or end result just my lame attempt at trying to be relevant in my own mind.

Hope that makes sense.
@Poppy, I’m at a cross roads. “Forced retirement” is not the way I wanted things to end, especially with unfinished business on the platform and developing crippling arthritis at probably the PEAK of my almost 20 year career. I fully believe had I not been forced to stop training for a while my numbers could’ve been in the truly elite status, not just elite by standards. It’s a tough pill to swallow
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