SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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I’ll be out of the gym for the next 9 days. Flying up to Ann Arbor tomorrow to take a CWI prep course and the first part of the test. The hotel has a fitness center, but the extent of my fitness will be cardio and most weight movements. I’m sitting around 235-240 right now and I hate it, it’s not comfortable
Haven’t worked out in a week, and I haven’t been this stressed out over a class or 3 tests since college, so 20 years ago. Wife came out to Ann Arbor to spend the week with me and ended up in the ER Tuesday, but I still got to spend my birthday with her yesterday. Won’t be back in town until this weekend. Need to work out, ready to snap!
Sorry bout wife. Take a deep breath on the tests. I’ve seen your welding. You got this.
We’ll, back in town, first test (Saturday) done, and I will not feel confident about it until I know the score either late this week or next week. 2 more tests today, and I’ll get scores for them right away. Gotta get higher than 72% on all three to pass, if I fail one, my cumulative score has to be 72% or higher and I only have to re-take the one I failed… if I fail 2 or don’t get a cumulative 72, I have to start over at the beginning!

Worked out yesterday for the first time in 11 days, it felt good. I’ll use this week to get back into the swing of things and I’ll start posting my workouts again
Code book test done, 90% cumulative average out of 5 sections pertaining to qualification, fabrication, inspection, reports and records, materials and design… cardio now, then food, then back for General Knowledge test…
Still waiting on the results from one test… won’t be able to rest easy until I get those…

DL/lower chain today

3x8 @ 300 DL, 90 seconds rest
3x6-8 belt squat
2x12-15 Buffalo Bar Good AM
2x12-15 glute maximizer hip thrust machine
10 kettleBell Farmers Carries down and back (30 yards total)
FYI, I passed all three of my tests. I’m a CWI now. If I ever get tired of teaching, I’ll never have to go back to welding. As a CWI I can be a QC or even run a welding program for a mechanical contractor or even a UA Fab shop
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