SB Labs

Think I might possibly having a physical coming up blood pressure is kinda high anyone know any tricks to getting that down fast

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Well-known member
Might have a physical coming up for a new job bp is kinda high need to get it down asap currently running 1 shot test e 250 500 iu hcg split and 50 mg proviron split does proviron affect bp?
To my knowledge no. Prov hasn’t effected me negatively.

Eliminate sodium from your diet maybe… any energy drinks or go gast stuff.
I’ve never had BP problems so I might be the wrong guy to respond.
I know of no quick fix answers,except to take a bunch of deep breaths right before they check it,in thru the nose,out thru the mouth hold a second or two in between
Up your potassium. Spinach, potatoes, bananas, oranges/OJ. I started feeling way better pretty quickly once I got my potassium up to 4000mg/day

Look up Stan Efferding on YouTube. He has a lot good videos on BP.
If you have high blood pressure you should get prescribed a blood pressure med by a doctor. Try injecting test everyday to keep levels more stable and that should lower blood pressure
Cialis wont show up,no steroids will show up,UNLESS their specifically testing for them.
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