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SB Labs

Think I might possibly having a physical coming up blood pressure is kinda high anyone know any tricks to getting that down fast

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There’s studies that show Micro dosing is the optimal way to go. Like @squatter said it keeps your levels very stable and will minimize sides and negative health markers.
Make a tea out of turmeric and ginger. Add a little olive oil to it also like a teaspoon. For some reason the olive oil helps your body absorb the turmeric or else it won’t work.
I use stim free/NO Boosters and I’ve noticed my blood pressure is a lot better. Worked for me don’t know if you’ll have the same luck but it’s worth a try. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants if possible.
Dude this shits crazy I started taking that super beets drink in 2 days my bp is fucking great 127/84 highly recommend
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