This can’t be a good sign


Well-known member
So I’ve been going to a TRT clinic for about a year now and the last 2 batches of Test C they sent me are from a different compounding pharmacy. 2 weeks ago after pulling out the newer Test with a 21g pin as I’m whiching the needle to a 25g I notice a dark piece floating in the syringe. So I wasn’t going to pin oil with what looked like part of the stopper floating in it. I then get a new syringe and repeated and the same thing happens again! I say fuck it. This was only a 5ml vial and it was half gone anyways. So i get a unopened one that is from the same compounding pharmacy but this one is a 10ml. No issues with this bottle yet. Time for the 3rd shot from the new bottle and the same damn thing! Part of the stopper is floating in the oil! WTF!!! Has anyone had this issue, that wasn’t pinning a 50ml vial? I draw with a 21g and pin with a 23 or 25g. I don’t want to waste the Test but I don’t wont to inject rubber in my body either. I’ve thought about using slin pins sub q or I have 27g but the are 1.25” and I’m always afraid I could break them off in the muscle if I have to break through scar tissue. How shitty does the stop have to be to already be breaking down only 3 shots in?
Not good brotha. Have you perhaps tried drawing up with a little smaller gauged needle, personally I use a 25g to draw and never had issues. But regardless of what size you use, pharma grade vials should not be easily broken down like that.
@John I was going to call them today. I hopping it was just the First bottle that had an issue, but I have six more from the same pharmacy that will probably have the same issue
@Raphael3636 I have not yet but since I’m only drawling test at the time it’s definitely worth trying with a smaller pin even if it talks a little longer. And you’re right I don’t feel like Vials from a pharmacy should break down like that
Can I ask what compounding company the test is manufactured at? Theres been some discussion lately about a particular compounding pharmacy that has a pretty bad track record of their products.
Brother fuck that march into that pharmacy with the needle with the stopper floating in it and let them know to quit using cheap shit or you will report them to the fda.
Also ask for all your be replaced. Tell your doctor call the fda and report it.
Tear them apart you have 800 ugl labs producing a better product than your pharma grade product.
I would be pissed
You should return all of them and ask for your money back or for them to provide you with a pharma grade product

The United states wonders why everyone who is on trt buys from quality ugl labs and buys pharma grade products online its because of the price that they charge is ridiculous and they use the cheapest materials to produce the product.

I hate pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies

I know someone that orders the same exact medication that the pharmacy provides them for a 1/2 the cost and doesn’t have to pay the doctor an outrageous fee for blood work and a visit. Then if something happens and you miss your visit they charge you a fee for not showing up even if you call.
I hate the medical industry.
I was just charged 1000+$ for a ride in a ambulance and then the hospital bill is insane also. They will never see a dime I would pay them if they actually charged a reasonable amount.
Sorry rant over
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Yeah @Bigmurph your total right. I quit working with this Doc last month. He was a good Doc and very knowledgeable. He was listen to me when I asked to switch to aromasin from adex. But paying almost $200 a month, I can run my own labs get great UG Test and even pharma AIs for cheaper than that. The only issue when walking in there and demanding new Test is I’m no longer a patient at that clinic. But we will see when I call them