Time change how has it affected you


Well-known member
Just wondering if anyone else is struggling with losing a hour? My ass is in the gym at 3 am instead of 4 today. Just had that gut feeling I needed to get up and go and I did just a little to fast. Now I’m doing a hr extra of cardio this morning. So in a way I’m getting less sleep but if I can get a good workout in then I would accomplish more. Now work may suffer but hell they pay me to poop so may have to take a few toilet naps haha
i love the time change. i have bad eyes so i hate driving in the dark but now i have an hour less of squinting while driving lol
I’m not going to lie that is a good thing. I drive a big truck for my job and at night after working 16 hours or so the cars will have you about to wreck from squinting so much. It just screws with my already screwy sleep
It fucked me up a little on Sunday, cause everything changes automatically (phones cables boxes etc.) except my car, so once done with workout on Sunday I thought I ended up in the gym for 2hrs and thought I was late to visit my family, well long story short I was flying home from the gym and caught a speeding ticket a because I thought I was an hour late lol
Hasn’t messed me up, but I hate it and hope they abolish the time change, and make daylight “savings” the norm here in FL. I prefer it to still be light out as much as possible in the evening.
That’s probably one of the more worse parts of the time change, next to having my kids adjust to it…
In Arizona, they don’t do time changes… I personally think it’s stupid.
Well I know this isnt related to time change, but I finished 10 weeks of tren and now finishing with test prop for 4 weeks. Tren ace is out of my system today and jesus I feel human again. I’m still on test but it’s bad when even on test you can totally tell the difference in everything.