Too Late to Start Aromasin


USN - Retired
Staff member
Not sure if I should start a new thread, or use the one you all have me advice on a few weeks ago before I started.

Question: I am 3 weeks in with Test E (started slow with 300mg/week), along with Var, then will probably max out at 400mg starting next week for the rest of the 12 week cycle per what y’all recommended on my 1st cycle thread.

I was wondering if it would be too late to start Aromasin 12.5 e4d for prophylaxis/piece of mind throughout the rest of my 12 week cycle??

I have noticed a little bit of water retention the last 2 days or so in my ankles/lower calves, but it does go away overnight while sleeping and waking in the morning, as well as at the gym during weights/cardio sessions. I have had some normal ankle swelling happen here and there over the years before this, but nothing that stays an issue.

I have read a lot of the Veteran threads stating that it’s not a bad idea to use it at 12.5 e4d throughout cycle, then standard PCT of my Nolva at the end.

Honestly you don’t need it with that low of dosage but if u need that piece of mind personally I’d do arimadex every 3-4 days. Sounds like your swelling is an issue before you started cycle from what you said you have had that during the years. You can put on water weight when you first start a cycle. Cyp use to make me watery but now I use it during prep and I’m fine. (Prob mostly diet). Make sure water intake is up also.

What dose of Test E/week is the magic spot for using Aromasin on cycle, along with continuing the Var 50/day for 1st half of cycle @PHD??

Diet is on a pretty good point, with very no sugar outside of what comes from food, and minimal salt intake, plus the fact that I drink more water than I probably need, but that has been habit due to the fact of being an avid distance jogger since high school. I am not sure why I have had some light ankle swelling in the past over the years. Maybe I have more estrogen than I need, LOL, which is why I get so emotional at certain movies 😬
Bloodwork is the only way to really know if you need an AI. You could be sensitive and aromatase estrogen more than others or you could be completely fine and still in range.

Bloodwork can be done through a doctor, privatemedlabs or even home testing ordered from Amazon company is zrt home testing.

Also aromasin is a suicide inhibitor meaning that once estrogen is gone its gone no rebound so crashing your estrogen wk 3 isn’t something that you want to do I recommend bloodwork.
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I had baseline BW done before I started, with everything within normal range. I can post if you guys would like to see initial??

I also have an appt. today, and will ask my Dr. for another lab sheet, so I can run labs again. Should I run them again now, or wait until week 6??

I also asked, because I may have done something stupid, and took a 12.5mg capsule once last night before bed, and I hope that that’s not enough to crash my levels?!?
Everyone is diff bro. Definitely bloodwork. Also salt your food. Your body needs sodium to function optimally plus your heart needs it.

Hahahaha deff don’t take clomid you will
Be crying and all emotional lol
If/when you may/may not find a lump, what dose and frequency of Aromasin would recommend taking, without totally crashing estrogen??

Would 12.5MG on PIN days be enough to stop it and possibly reverse it throughout the rest of the cycle??
Search gyno using the magnifying glass and you will get so many results I was going to post links for you but there are so many different threads.
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So, apparently I am gyno probe and should have known from having it as a teenager in my left that I thought I had removed back then, but apparently the Dr. parents used didn’t take everything out, but I have the incision scar that you can barely see under the nipple to remind me.
Nothing in my right, thank god, but I do have the swollen lumps in left that thankfully the wife says isn’t noticeable and she states it’s pretty proportionate to right side of chest. This is week 5, and dosing was only 300mg first 3 weeks, with a bump to 400 week 4, and 500 from here on out.

I started Adex 0.5mg and took it Tuesday & Wednesday evening, then will probably switch to every other day to monitor and see if it keeps it under control, with hopes of shrinking a bit. I would do the Aromasin, but I am going to take PHDs advice with Adex, since it’s easier to crash estrogen with Aromasin.

I have labs all ready to go for my mid cycle and ending.

Do you all think Adex 0.5MG eod will be aggressive enough for a bit, and stick with that through the full cycle (which I’m thinking of 14 weeks now versus 12)??
Or, should I be more aggressive??

Dr. is really cool and he wants to start me on TRT pellets immediately following this cycle based on my baseline bloods before starting.
I am guessing this means that I won’t have to do PCT at end of cycle and the TRT will be my cruise?? Should I do Nolva at end of cycle to try and reverse Gyno as much as possible, or will it hinder cruising right into TRT??

I don’t want to beat this dead horse and understand I’m supposed to experiment with dosing/results. But…Just trying to get a few more recommendations on Adex dosing based on now having lumps in left side, and whether I should run Nova now, as well for reversal, or wait, since it’s not getting worse, and hope the Adex kicks in, along with keeping gains??
Yes i agree with PHD. Adex at like .50mg every 3 days will be fine for what you need. And ive been on Adex for 8 years now because im on trt at higher than normally prescribed dosages and trust me it doesnt eliminate the water bloat entirely. i still bloat when im not dieting properly. i dont use the adex for the bloat. i use it because having too high estrogen for very long time leads to major health problems later down the road. estro levels in men should be between 25-35. most people ignore that and are running around with estro levels in the 70-80s for years on end who are doing trt at higher dosages. not good. but if your cycling and using that dosage your using you really dont even need it. 12 weeks with elevated estro levels not going to do any damage
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Well i didnt read your most recent post. if you are gyno prone than you definitely need AI’s. i myself am not gyno prone but if i ever use Deca my nipples get very sensitive and irritated and thats why i dont use Deca at high dosages. i use nand phenylprop at low dosages and keep it under control by doing short cycles and i use masteron with it to counter the drop in sex drive. but in any case if you going to go on trt you dont need to do PCT. you may want to do a low dosage shot of hcg once a week to keep testes functioning properly. i personally dont but i know a lot of guys that do when they are on trt.
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Should I start Nolva 40mg/day for a week, then taper down to 20mg/day until gyno in left goes away, or wait until end of this cycle when I switch over to TRT??

If you all do recommend starting Nolva now until it goes away, or at least as much as possible, will it hurt any of the favorable gains from the 500/week of test and Var daily??

I think it’s not getting worse, but too soon to say if it’s getting better or reversing yet, since I’ve only done Adex for this week so far.