Tren, mood swings and depression

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My first real experience with Tren was the last two weeks of December and the first four weeks of this year. I did a Test P, Mast P, and Tren Ace cut with clenbuterol to boot. I became less tolerant all the way around and definitely experienced horrible night sweats and some insomnia. I did not achieve anything special over that six weeks. Much more effective combo for me over the ensuing month has been Test P, Mast P, Testolone, Var and GH. Lost five pounds, definitely decreased my BF%, and went up on all lifts. Moreover, no night sweats and much more congenial attitude.
Ment has always made me nervous bc it’s such a strong compound but you make it sound so nice.
Just like you said brotha everyone is different. I feel like tren is one of those PEDs that if your an asshole or shortfused before then this compound will just amplify your personality. I consider myself one of the luckier fellas that really doesn’t get bad side effects. I do get a bit of night sweats and at higher doses I tend to lose my appetite. As for any other sides people seem to get I guess maybe I just learned to live with them or my body just adapted to them over the years. In all reality though if you feel the sides are getting in the way of everyday life I would just shelf it and mark it as a PED thats not for you personally. Also remember to use Prami or Caber for elevated progesterone levels, if your levels are outta whack this alone will will give you all the sides that are known for tren
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