SB Labs

Tried a Slingshot for the First Time Today--Great Stuff!

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So as some of you may remember, I have a truly screwed up left shoulder: three full-thickness tears of rotator cuff tendons, leaving only one intact (teres minor). I also have moderately severe arthrosis in that shoulder. They keep telling me I’m going to need a full replacement, and I keep showing up two years later with an ever stronger shoulder with full ROM. Replacement? Fuck that.

All of that said, my shoulder limits some of my lifts, such as incline dumbells and even heavy flat bench. When I push myself to go heavy anyway, the shoulder becomes seriously inflamed, hurts like a mother, and has to be iced and injected with BPC-157, etc. for a week before I can get back to it. So I’ve been looking for some sort of brace or other “aid” that would enable me to do heavy work without taxing the shoulder. I found it, thanks to a thread on this board: the Slingshot.

The Slingshot is a neoprene band that stretches across your chest and has two armholes. It’s impact when benching (whether flat or incline, barbell or dumbells) is twofold: It makes you tuck your elbows to the perfect position and it gives you what I would say is about a 10% boost at the lowest part of the lift. Each of these things decreases the work done by the shoulders during the lift and concentrates the work on the chest muscles.

While it does make benching a less compound lift, it allows me to go heavy with my lifts without risking further shoulder degredation. Can’t recommend this little item enough.
Ok now I need to see pictures and how do you get one and how can I set one up without a rack?

I saw the other post myself and honestly never heard of a slingshot never seen one but his was hot pink no judgment lol and it looked like you slid the bar through the holes and then what it actually does from this point is a mystery to me here comes the links on how to DIY and if you can purchase one and possibly some links about how it actually works. Pray for me im going to deep dive the internet lol
It’s one piece with two sleeves that go over each arm, up near the bicep/shoulder, and a big thick band that goes over your chest


The Original Sling Shot will allow you to handle about a 10% overload in the bench press while avoiding the pain that comes along with pushing your body to the limit. It mimics natural muscle movement by lengthening and shortening with the muscles thus giving support on the eccentric and concentric phase of a bench press. This effect can greatly reduce stress on the shoulders, elbows, and chest.

Use the Original Slingshot for benching, pushups or for assistance on ring dips and Muscle Ups.

The Sling Shot was invented by world class powerlifter Mark Bell (545LB raw Bench, 854LB equipped Bench) to help lifters bench more weight safely and without pain. The Sling Shot is easy to put on, easy to use and will help maintain correct form. It is suitable for lifters of all ages and strength levels.


Please Note: If you are really tall (over 6’ 4") or have especially big forearms, you need to order one size larger.


Weight121LB - 140LB141LB - 180LB181LB - 220LB221LB - 300LBOver 300LB
Note: There is a possibility of receiving a product with the new or old style logo as Super Training is transitioning to a blank logo with a white outline.


BrandSuper Training Prod.
Made In USANo
Im going to order one as soon as I figure out which is the best to order any opinion on which is the best is extremely welcome as I know nothing about this but the fact that it makes complete sense and I really want to try it so I don’t do anymore damage to my shoulder
If you were to buy one today considering cost and what works which would you get the Mark Bell or the Rogue maybe Walmart?
I bought the Mark Bell version because I wanted to support someone in the industry rather than a big-box retailer. I bought the XXL version of the “reactive” slingshot, which is the weakest one, because I wanted the least amount of boost. I can barely can barely get my 18" arms through the holes of the XXL, so if I had it to do over again, I would go with the XXXL.
Honestly, I could have avoided a lot of pain and agony, particularly over the past 8 months, if I had found and started using the Slingshot earlier. I’ll update this thread as I continue to use it.
I’m getting one soon for when I start back up will be getting g 550 in no time hell 600 be a goal fmbefoe long
Get the mad dogg, it’s multi ply. You’ll have to seriously overload to use it, but it will make you comfortable as fuck with heavier weights. My next training cycle (February) I’m going to do every bench day with the reactive slingshot
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