SB Labs

Tried a Slingshot for the First Time Today--Great Stuff!

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I don’t want too much Help most just to get shoulders used to right position and some help on sets after max
Im just going to get the reactive because of my bicep even the regular I don’t go near that load at one time. I can lift somewhat heavy alot I just can’t lift that one at the load and it says it will actually hold me back.
Im going reactive 2xl
Then go with regular… either red or full boar depending on your forearms. Reactive is good for speed work, and guys with little benches like mine, hahaha
I think Mark Bell should pay me a commission! HA!

Seriously, glad to have found and shared this thing. Looking forward to my next chest and shoulders day without pain.
The slingshot saved my shoulders. There’s no doubt. I won’t go above 225 without it, if I’m doing reps. I’m not trying to powerlift or compete, so I think it will keep some longevity in these beat up shoulders.
So, I’m definitely getting one, for obvious reasons. However, I want to take the opportunity I’ve been given, where ego can’t get in my way, to relearn the movement correctly. Been doing this for 28 years, thought my press technique was solid, but, obviously, the amount of damage I did tells a different story. Hoping the sling shot can do that for me.
Question for me is why? Why try and lift heavy on exercises that cause pain? I totally understand the want , to bench heavy. I was a 435 bencher at 181 lb body weight but now at 47 I realize those days are gone. I just adjust my workouts accordingly. I modify the width on bench, play around with grip angles on DB work and increase weights slowly while doing a shit ton of accessory work to help keep my shoulders strong and for the most part pain free. The slingshot is a great tool but it shouldn’t replace accessory work. Most guys have shoulder pain because they do not do enough to keep them healthy. Now that being said m, arthritis and tendon issues certainly complicate things but they should never end your career, your never out of the fight. If you put the proper time into rehab/prehab you should be able to do just about everything you want. Remember though heavy weights take there till , no way around that. Be smart balance your program and stay in the fight.
I’m using the Slingshot because as far as I know, there is no way to rehabilitate full-thickness rotator cuff tears each with multiple centimeters of retraction that are years old and multiple docs have said are inoperable. If you have some magic that will accomplish that, I’m all ears! So what it means is that I can’t even go much above 300 on flat bench (even at 230 lbs. bodyweight) because of my shoulder, which it turn holds back my chest development. I do plenty of accessory work, but it just doesn’t produce the same result for me as bench and weighted dips. With the slingshot, I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to go deeper into the 300s on bench!
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