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SB Labs

Trt dose advice

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Well-known member
Starting some trt. Finally.
Some debate out there on how much to take and when. Dr wanted to have me take 1 ml 200mg concentration every 2 weeks
I asked why not 100 weekly.

Math shows me this. 200 with 8 day half life is basically 100 left at 7 days and 55ish at 14 days

100 weekly puts me at 57 or so at 7 days and then inadd 100 so I’m at 157 then in 7 I’m adding 100 to about 75… is that accurate?

At 200 I’m at 100ish after 7 days then on week 2 I’d be at about 250 week 3 would be 125 and week 4 would about 265 … is this the way to figure this? I’m concerned about the high peak and valley on a 2 week interval but the overall amount in my system seems higher than the same total split weekly.

What have you guys found ? @Poppy did mention you’re on trt?
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Yeah I’m not to good at that stuff lol my trt doctor put me at 200mg weekly the first year. 20mg of Cialis a day and only checked my bloods once after 6 months and had me on 1mg of ai a week. But dropped the ai. After the first blood test. I think they really just cared more about my money. They never said anything about coming back again for another check up or anything. Now I just Do the trt myself cause it’s cheaper then 250 a month and I do the blood test. Before, mid and after cycle. And some how even tho I don’t go through them any more I still got to keep my Cialis prescription at the pharmacy for 2.0 dollars a month. I no longer get the testosterone prescription tho
@Xpliot what do your test numbers look like where is your hct (heamatocrit) is below 50?
I’m at a urologist… copay $5!for 4 200mg pe ml single dose bottles. Which is fine and dandy but if it’s just pissing ona wildfire I may just supplement on my own after blood work.
Im not sure without looking at the papers at home. I save all of them. I’m weird lol but think last time i checked before cycle 200mg put me At around 1100 And my estrogen was fine so we dropped the ai. Then they’ve never had me come back so I decided to it would be easier for me to do my own trt and my own blood test, then pay them 250 a month. I get blood test from here. But there’s a place an hour away that I’m going to start going to that’s $200 a blood test and covers a lot more. But 4 dollars co pay isn’t bad at all. Like I said I’m not to good at any of this stuff. Wish I could be of more help! I just try to be as safe as possible so I do my blood test like I was taught on here and donate blood regularly. I’m sure @NeuroRN or @Poppy will chime in soon and be more helpful tho! There super smart. I’ve listened to them since I’ve been on here and my life has been better then ever
I am assuming you are using cyp or ent? Either way your docs dosing shows a pretty obvious ignorance of test dosing. Keep that in mind should you choose to keep seeing him.

In order to maintain stable levels you should pin as frequently as possible without being a burden.

One shot every two weeks means your levels are returning to baseline almost every two weeks.

We actually see a very sharp decline in levels starting at day 4. Which is why most pin long esters twice a week. I pin every 3 days.

You can start by pinning 50 mg twice a week if you want to stay at his dose of 100mg a week.

I would not, and could not speak highly or recommend pinning once a week. Or once every two weeks.
I second everything @NeuroRN just said.

My urologist put me on the same protocol. Love the guy to death but he doesn’t put a lot of thought into that part of his practice.

Cyp starts crashing bad after 4 days. Injecting once a week will put you on a roller coaster ride. You’ll feel good as your levels pass thru the sweet spot and not so good as they tank. The goal is to keep your levels as even as possible so you are optimized 24/7. There is distinct highs and lows at once a week let alone every two weeks.

I understand the 1/2 life formula but we don’t want half…we want as close to 100% all the time.

I am currently pinning e4d due to medical problems and getting stuck all the time by the pro’s. I will probably close it back to e3d soon.
For the record I pin 100mg e4d and will close it up to e3d. When I feel squirrelly I will sneak it up to 125mg.
Man I could of swore when I got on here a little over a year ago I was told to donate blood lol I mean I’m probably gonna keep doing it. The older lady gives me a free t shirt every time 🤣
What does telmisartan do to prevent or lessen the need for blood donation? Would there be any negative ramifications of taking telmisartan when your blood pressure is already low (108/70)?
It lowers H/H and RBC count.

Telmisartan is the mild ARB when it comes to lowering pressure. Some of the others are more effective. At 20 mg you still get all the benefits of organ protection without much impact on pressure. Or so I’ve read.

Only way to know for sure would be to take it. And measure BP.
That’s too much math for me. I’d make it simple to keep levels as consists possible and so 50mg 2x per week. Sucks he’s only giving you 100mg per week
Reaching back a bit…if I remember right. 100mg @ week put me at ~800.

Twice that puts me over a grand… maybe 1200
Do what he wants and see where it brings you.
But personally like other stated. Twice a week is normally recommended for stable levels.
Monday and Thursday inject days.

ALL doctors are different. They all think they know what is best. So. There is always another of you don’t like that one.

I had one and he was good but I found a better one by word of mouth through my coach.

Mine started off at 210 per week. Cause I was very active and was feeling like crap and was taking a week to recover from a 2 mile run. So that’s when I first got tested a few years ago.
Thanks! I’m hoping for a steady uptick and then some blasts now and then.
I want to add another 10 in muscle at least. 20 would be killer … then level it out and cruise
They are worried about hematocrit levels… I’m doing a 100 weekly abs will probably shift to 50 every 3 to 4 days
Fifty3 said:
I want to add another 10 in muscle at least. 20 would be killer
Keep us posted on this. Packing on good quality muscle in a person’s 50’s is a bit of a chore. If I remember right you’re over 6 foot tall so you’ve got the frame for it.

I’m interested in your journey.
Monday and Thursday seems to be the norm amongst most folks.

I liked the e3d regardless of weekdays.

I’ve switched my training to the same. If I don’t feel like it…I don’t train… feeling good, I’ll train…regardless of weekdays. I don’t like weight training more than 2 days in a row but if I feel good, I will. I’m going to stay on this thru the summer.
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