Trt dose plus other compounds

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How effective is running a low level of test with other compounds? What is your experience?
I just started a cycle at 300 test and 700 bold. I am 5’10" and weigh 225 lbs. I know 300 is a little higher than therapeutic levels or above high normal
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I would only guess that it would be like running a compound solely and getting the anabolic benefits w o being suppressed due to exogenous test high norm range. So maybe not like running a full stack
I’ve ran 200 test c with 400 tren a and def can’t complain with results. No sides to report other than typical sweating and the quality of sleep being effected. But I’m a sweat hog anyway and a few hours less of sleep a night was manageable.
Why? Your eq is twice as high as test. If your running hrt run hrt. Don’t call it hrt doses when you are running other compounds.

Pretty much anything higher than 600mg eq is a waste. You get no other benefits running it higher.
I was just trying to reduce sides. I get really painful acne, I cant keep up with my body hair, and I have had some bp issues. Im not looking for tissue growth either, going for strength gains but I know lowering test probably isnt the best protocol for that. I have responded well strength wise with the eq so I just figured why not up it.
For the most part I keep my summer/prep stacks at trt doses and let the other PEDS be the base of my cycle, wether it be Tren, EQ, or whatever but let the other PEDS shine.
Im actually doing this right now running 200mg/ml testosterone cypionate plus 400mg/ml primo

This is my typical cruise and soon enough I will be running a blast with test p/npp/mast p for 12wks then I will either come back to just testosterone or test/primo again at the same dosage.

I believe that at 300mg you will be good and you can definitely let the EQ do the work but set your diet and training up to match an EQ driven cycle approach. Remember to donate blood to keep your rbc good and take advantage of the endurance.

I actually get bad acne myself its starting to get bad at wk 5 I believe now for me smh its going to get really bad though I just do the best I can to combat it
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