Trump... love him or hate him

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So getting to this post late. But I do respect all u who served. Thank U!!
I will say he is a very different Pres. But one we needed. Change is good.
These countries been playing with us for years. Party’s over,this guy takes no bull shit he gives it. I had a good buddy who served during desert storm who told me there motto was "Kill them, Fuck em, Eat em!!
RIP{HEAD} miss U brother.
Politics are a sensitive thing the problem is people can just agree to have different opinions or ideas anymore and still work together you have to be left or right should just be what’s best for the country as a whole I am conservative as well but still support trump right or wrong you can tell he is doing right cause both sides are mad fat lazy overpaid politicians that are all crooked and filling there pockets with our money what 300k yr salary and in 4 yrs they are worth like 50 million math don’t add up
Or the ones that leave office and get high paying jobs at the company’s they helped push legislation for.

Shit is broken, needs to be wiped clean.
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