My favorite oral. Great strength gains with little bloat. The only negative was the back pumps were intense sometimes. I took 70mg spilt through the day with awesome results.
A great strength oral it has alot of positives and alot less negatives. I enjoyed running it a couple years back. I don’t know where the comparison to dbol came from but its nothing like dbol at all but a great oral.
This kind of steroid is a derivative of dianabol, although its action is slightly different. Turinabol is characterized by strong anabolic properties, but at the same time its androgenic action is relatively mild. As a result, there is practically no water retention in the body, which promotes the building of clean and well-defined muscle mass. In addition, when combining Turinabol with other steroids, a synergy effect occurs because Turinabol strengthens their anabolic capacity. To a large extent also takes the dosage of turinabol and genetic predisposition, but most of the people who used Turinabol were opposed to the action of dianabol. Everything depends on your goal when you set the cycle
turinabol is derived from dianabol the difference in this is that some parts of the molecules have been cut down and transferred to a different place and other molecules have been added to avoid the effect of dianabol. I do not want to write about molecular chemistry of molecules because it’s sometimes a hard subject to understand, but one thing is for sure turinabol is a derivative of dinabol
most of orals have 17aa, so with an average dose should be ok. Olympic German women’s DDR was tested pretty good lol but agree this oral is quite safe for women
Right now I’m workin on stayin schredded forvthe summer, which is why I was debating on the T, I have never done it and it would fit what I need as dry clean gains, and of course the strength gains
20mg-40mg daily should be enough but don’t over dose it,
but you said never done it so better will be start from 20mg and observe your body reaction, some guys was complained when they took above 20mg.
Ok sounds good, although if I do it they will be coming in 25 mg caps so I kinda have to start there… I’m thinking it’s gonna be while cause what I got goin now is working so why change, but that is my prob sometimes I’m like oh what something new sure I’ll try it
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