SB Labs

Update on John meadows

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I was gyming it with a buddy also on here that told me…very sad and scary news wow. I am really hoping he will be ok and recover well and fast 🙏🙏🙏 .May the universe bestow mercy and continued blessing to him and his family that he will be back at what he lives for his family and being that guiding light for so many in craft of fitness/body building.
I met John a couple years back. He’s one of the most genuine souls I’ve ever had the privilege to be around. The news of these happenings is gut wrenching and I’ve been praying for his speedy recovery. John is a huge inspiration not just for his contributions to bodybuilding but hes an inspiration because of how he lives his personal life, how he sticks to his morals and his integrity. Get well soon Mountain Dog!
Really hope John gets healthy and comes back soon. Gonna say a prayer for him. I don’t pray much so maybe it’ll count double haha. I absolutely love John’s style. He’s so calm, humble, well spoken but incredibly knowledgeable. Despite having so much information, he communicates it in a way everyone can fully understand. You really get the feeling he’s just like us; a regular guy that likes going hard in the gym and getting as jacked as possible.

God’s Speed to the Mountain Dog
So the review I just saw from Palumbo on his update Rx update says apparently everything is looking good with Meadows…the two blood clots one is dissolved apparently and they’re working on the other one but hopefully will be dissolved today and he is fine apparently …hopefully thank goodness.

I am not sure but i know for pulmonary embolism which a silent killer caused by clotting in the lung is usually remedied with meds to break it up but also staying away from vitamin k… so green leafy veggies…any thing that would turn into k avoid and that person is usually fine…i know this because several years back a friend of mine all of a sudden passed out in a parking lot and the friend was it was him his best friend didn’t understand why and he got up again and start walking then he fell again and passed out again and they called the ambulance and they took him in and they said he had clots in his lungs at the time they did not know what it was and of course me being me went on the net searching all over the place to find out what causes clots in the lungs and I found an article it wasn’t a very prominent thing at the time but there was some cases…most of those though
were discovered during autopsy…but in the patients that managed to survive they were able to develop treatment and it was called embolism…pulmonary embolism in the lungs and one of the ways that they found out that happened was in those individuals they found high concentrations of vitamin K so in this case I told my friend to see what they recommend if they should recommend him staying away from anything that turns into Vitamin K well along with any medications as he’s been taking they’ve also suggested that he stays away from all green leafy vegetables and vitamin K or anything that will turn into such an he’s been fine since …

So maybe the same idea my work in his case?
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Praying for john as well I have several of his workouts and they are awesome and brutal.

@fitstudboi my wife almost died from a pulmonary embolism. She has a special blood disorder called factor 5 I believe in which her blood clots instead of thins with added stress hormones etc. She got the clot from her birth control. She was in agony and could barely move I took her to the er where they were trying to release her with muscle relaxers for a back spasm. Until 1 doctor came in and said he had a feeling she had a blood clot headed to her lungs. They ran a scan and sure enough there it was. Luckily it wasn’t full blockage yet and they put her through some serious blood thinners for a week. They said if they would have let her go she’d probably would’ve died that night.She’s pregnant now with my second child and every night I have to give her a shot in her stomach of blood thinners. This is due to the increased hormones produced by pregnancy. Scary stuff that one moment your fine next your not.
Omg thank goodness she is ok. Yes oh man thatv would have been devastating great doctors great doctors wow! May she continue to be well.

I am hoping he us on his way to complete wellness i will check up…blood clots are soo deadly!
I have heard about this man of men for quite some time. All who speak of him respect him and appreciate him for who he is and what he brings to the sport. I wish for a swift recovery after what looks like some good work by our front liners. Sincerely have my prayers for you and your family Sir.
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