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SB Labs

Vaccine state mandated in order to enter the gym

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I was gonna copy my
Mothers lol just need to put my name over it but gym wise I’m good my buddy wrote me in as vaccinated so it’s on my account now I just scan as normal
In my twisted head…I would think they would be checking vax cards at the all you can eat buffets…or at the lane bryant stores.
All of this seems way more difficult than just getting the vaccine. It’s been widely verified as safe. Idk what the big deal is.
I understand people’s concerns about the vaccine. It’s still very new still some people have very serious life changing sides. We get complete shit information from the news anymore. Any news nowadays is driven by a political vehicle period. I got it but choose to for marketability with the industry I am in. 80 percent of our clients require the vaccine which means I’d be sitting a lot which means my sobriety and depression go in the tank and the likelihood of hail or prison is very high with my repeat record. So fuck it I got it. Decided it was best for my family and situation. What my brothers and sisters here need to realize is that this card is from the CDC and it is a FELONY for fording a government document SO PLEASE!!! Be very careful. Some judges will hang you for this based on their political beliefs alone.
Isn’t it a private business tho? Like they can refuse business to anyone and fire someone for any reason. And you are free not to utilize those businesses. Just because it’s a choice you don’t like doesn’t mean there isn’t a choice.
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Sure they can refuse. And I can refuse. And I can think it’s profoundly unacceptable to ask to see my papers. And find a way around their rules.

And I literally said it’s a choice at the point of consequences, I didn’t say there wasn’t a choice, but I think I went a few directions. The vaccine mandate for work is a choice at the point of a gun.

Where you shop or who you give your money to is altogether a choice. And i don’t shop or give my money to those that I don’t like. That’s America. That’s why capitalism is beautiful.
anabolic_geek said:
Isn’t it a private business tho? Like they can refuse business to anyone and fire someone for any reason. And you are free not to utilize those businesses. Just because it’s a choice you don’t like doesn’t mean there isn’t a choice.
You’re missing the part where it’s not a choice on businesses either in many places. Many are being mandated by their city or state.
dburk55 said:
Soooo my gym posted just 30 mins ago it’s now a requirement of the state to show proof of vaccination
And the vaccine has not been proven safe by any means. If it was Pfizer wouldn’t need immunity from lawsuits and the FDA wouldn’t want 55 years to release the data they received in approving the vaccine. In the first batch of papers they did give out there were many more reports of deaths and side effects then initially told by the media.
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Agent orange being safe to handle …oxycontins being mildly addictive if at all… asbestos safe to handle


been going on forever but apparently they’ve learned their lesson and provided immunity up front so no matter how bad this is botched they’re hands off.
There’s a bunch of chemicals we used to use for various things at the plant I retired from that disappeared and outlawed over my career with no monitoring of us that used them for decades.

No wonder I’m covered in fur… mutating into some sort of nasty. Haha
I think the politicians fighting the vaccine mandates are going about it all wrong. They need to push a bill to allow people to sue the manufacturers and make their immunity null. See who fights to keep the immunity and how fast the manufacturers will change their stories once they don’t have immunity from lawsuits.
Agreed. They are making money. Money without accountability is going to get corrupt if not already. And we know it’s already corrupt which is why they want it.
Widely verified by people who want you to get it,what about the people who don’t want you to get it,oh their all gettin “hushed up” it is a big deal .If you can still get it,and pass it on,then wtf.
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