SB Labs

Wanna-Be Power-Lifting Ectomorph (Pics Included)

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I think we’ve all been there. Falling in love with the pursuit of progression is not easy, and I DO NOT love it all the time. I think you have to learn to try and love it, or trick your mind into thinking you love it. We all want results and want them now, but we forget all the lessons we learned from the weight room while we were getting where we are!

Glad to have you around and active here!
Just don’t freak out if the scale tips to a shredded ready whatever class. You will be a 200 lb good physique just not a contest ready 200. If you end up, loving the whole crazy process, you’ll be a LH in a few. It’s all when standing next to the 5’2 middleweight that you thought was huge backstage and you make him look like the pilsbury doughboy…thats fun!!!IMO, I would for sure get back to that 190- 197 physique, you were still hard, and diet down. It will make a big difference, if your gonna wait til 2021…remember there’s a lot of trophys for that first show, open, novice, if your 35 then masters 1…im getting all excited for you! You’ll do great and take more and different combos of stuff…i mean protein powder. 🤔
First, thank you for your service brother!! Your look is very proportional which is a great thing, just gotta focus on growing to the size you prefer, I personally want to be a massive freak so it is easy for me, but you guys that prefer the proportional look have a lot more factors to weigh out. I personally would suggest hgh around 1.5-2 iu a day to help with those injuries brother. Also you look good man, nothing wrong with not being satisfied where you are but you need to understand that your physique is amazing and enjoy that part of it while striving for your version of perfection. What strength protocol do you use to help your lifts if you can take some time to explain?
I do 5 sets at 4-6 reps with 1:20 rest time.

When going heavy which is pretty often.

The next 8 weeks I’ll include deadlifts, cling & Snatch, & carries with dead-lift bar.

Mon: Standing Calf Raise, Seated Calf Raise, Squat, Leg Extn, Leg Curls, Pull Ups, T-Bar, Straight Arm Pull.

Tues: Flat Bench, Floor Flys, Incline Press, Lateral Raise, Reverse Flys, Tri Extn Rope, DB Overhead Tri Extn.

Wed: OFF

Front squats, Leg Curl, Leg Extn, Shrugs, Latt Pulls, Single Arm Row DB, Hammer Curls, Cable Curls

Fri: Incline Bench, Flys, Decline Bench, Reverse Flys, Lateral Raise, Front Raise, Tricep Extn Rope, Tri Extn Ropes

Sat: OFF

Sun: OFF

Been following Josh Bryant as of late.

As far as the protocol I try to follow this as closely as possible.

Strength endurance: Which is done with slow reps at 50-55% of my max.

Fast force endurance: Lifting the same 50-55% of my max, but doing this with explosiveness.

Hypertrophy: Lifting at about 70% of my max, with reps being a bit shorter in length than in strength endurance.

Maximum strength: Lifting heavier than all the others at 80-85% of my max, and the movement is done with explosiveness just like fast force.
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This was me at 180lbs show in Orlando, Fl a few years back. I think this was 8 years ago, something like that.

Josh is the best in the business right now brother, if that is your training split you have to be taking in lots of calories man. Can not wait to see how you do with everything, love seeing how disciplined your plan is and how you approach things, more people should do this.
I’ve been on the site for a few months now and did an intro in another thread somewhere.

I also changed profile pic.

I know you say hi to a lot of people that sign up for this forum.

Here I just wanted to show you all my physique to get your thoughts and recommendations.

Really need to study up on the HGH, never considered it before.

🗣️🗣️:speaking_head:I will be a regular here!!!
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