What are we lifting today and diets let's hear motherfuckers

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Staff member
Good morning to all.Breakfast I am eating as we speak,2 chobanis,strawberries,2 bowls of raisin bran,vanilla shake.In about a hour I will have 3 toast and 3 hard boiled eggs.i did a small bis workout and will do them again later.Be positive throughout your day.
Hit shoulders and traps! Went super light on shoulders no more then ten pounds. High reps. Can’t do any presses still. Hurts to bad. Had some hamburger. Cherry tomatoes and a peach for breakfast. Now to put in them hours at work. Hope everyone has a great day :muscle:t3:
Some food. Mostly eggs, beef, chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, asparagus, black beans, corn, breakfast sausage, flour tortillas… supposed to have Day 1 Wk 1 of the cube, Max Effort Deadlift and lower assist, but probably won’t, don’t really give a fuck either. We’ll see
Yeah millions of live enzymes,probiotics. Their in most if not all yogurts
Last week!

I’m losing it. Bout half a step away from a babbling old man with my underwear on the outside.
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