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What are you lifting today

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That’s great haven’t done shit like that since I was in the Marines,lots of take downs,tapping out type situations, I’m not standing up, and taking a chance at some dumbass with lucky punch that gets me, I will be on you like flies on shit, goin for triangle choke,with my legs wrapped around your stomach squeezing the life outta you, or a arm bar possibly.
It’s a blast even though they kicked the shot out of me. I’m the oldman in the group. Yeah my standup days are done unless it for real. Brokenway too many bones, torn bicep tendon. You’ll like this. When I used to fight MMA every Friday night was fight night. You squared off and caught 2
Min rounds round robin style. One night this polish fighter knocked out a giy with waaay les skill, total Dick move. I wasn’t there but hear about it. Next Friday I beat the piss out of him from one side of the ring to the other. Every time he got up I fucking pounded him. It was so bad that everyone jumped in to stop it. After my coach sat next to me and asked if I was ok because he saw how
Pissed I was. I said I’m fine just don’t like bullies
Yes I do, and I woulda done the same,I sometimes wish someone would do something dumb when I’m out in public, just so I could engage with someone
I hear ya. My filter for dealing with these liberal pussies is wearing out. Unfortunately over the years dealing with PTSD my default has become I want to smash your skull. As soon as feel you are tryi
G to get Over on me I immediately want to beat you to death. I know that is terrible and I’m working on it. But it is what it is. I tell people if you don’t want to get smacked in the mouth don’t be disrespectful. I’ll never be disrespectful unless it’s go time.
I think we would be great friends, we could just frequent bars, not drink, and just wait for a loud ass drunk to run his mouth
And here I thought we were talking about what we lifted today?!

I was influenced growing up by of all things, Captain Kirk regularly talking about bar fights he was in with Klingons and how Spock saved him. I thought: So leaders do that stuff, too, huh? Indeed. Part of their DNA.
Well, after sitting out yesterday and deciding I hate my body right now, I’m going to fold and give it the break it’s been screaming for… I’ve hit pause on powerlifting and my goal of competing again this year (still happening by the way) and will be doing nothing but dumbbell and machine work for the next 8 weeks… except deadlifts, still doing those 2 times a week, just a lot of reps! And Jesus save me
Now, I’m even going to do… CALVES… fml
45 min and I’m almost done… I hate training like this, it doesn’t feel right. I’ll post my log in my post
Sounds like your plan is still good to go, when is that comp?
I did a lazy chest day today,as I was cleaning the house today, I inserted random push ups, and when I had to go in basement I hopped on machine pec dec… and yes I clean the house often, my wife isnt quite up to my cleaning standards,anyways, I enjoy it makes my brain feel good.
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